September rants - sorry, no cute name

And where the hell were those things fifteen years ago when my dad had Brandi the Basset who had to hide in the bedroom closet during thunderstorms? That dog’s been dead over five years and his closet still smells like scared dog when it’s humid.

And you’re pathetic enough to chase someone into a thread dedicated to whining about the small stuff, to complain that they’re 'whiny"? :dubious: Do you even have the slightest awareness of where you are?

Remember, every minute you’re in here stalking her, an small farm animal is going unmolested.


Fucking rain already goddamit

edit: hey. the dope takes all-caps posts to lower case now. Fucknuggets.

Ha ha ha! :slight_smile: Chimera and elucidator, you guys are amusing me too much for a rant thread. Be more grouchy! Now! :stuck_out_tongue:

(Hmm, am I derailing the thread? I’ll try to stay more on topic if I post in here again in the next little while.)

Yeah I know I live in Texas where hot has a whole new meaning and I know that this year doesn’t really stack up to 2012 in terms of extreme heat but I am so fucking sick of being a sweat ball every time I venture outside after 10 AM. And I spend a lot of time outside. Holy mother of god, I thought I’d melt at the farmers market yesterday. I had to apologize to the teller at the credit union because I could see the stink lines emanating from my body.

So my credit card issuer allegedly sends me new cards months before the old ones expire. I say cards plural since I have several issued to other authorized users - all of whom are me (hey, you’re not supposed to tell people that - shut up - no, you shut up). Like the Almond Joy commercial goes, ‘sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.’ Seriously though, it’s a good way to conceal your identity online, which may sound paranoid . . . I’m really just digging this hole deeper aren’t I?

The point is that I never received the cards and they froze my account. I couldn’t even look at it online. So I call them, get someone in Mummble-bai India who tells me, I think, that they can’t help me until I get new, newer set of cards that they are now issuing since I didn’t get the other set. However the nice thing about this card is that you can set up virtual accounts on it that are use-once and discard. They’re sort of like burner phones and perfect for online transactions. So periodically I set up a few to have handy and I ask them if these are still good. They tell me they are and for some reason I believe them.

Now bear in mind I’m giving you the abridged version of events, this actually took over a half hour, a few phone transfers and a conversation with a supervisor. The next day, I try to use one of the virtual numbers and of course it blows up in my face. Fortunately it’s not my only card and it was for Amazon so I didn’t mind using a real credit card with them, but it meant another call to Mumble-bai.

Unfortunately, this time I’m not only annoyed but also in a bad mood and my language tends to veer to the graphically vulgar in those instances. I don’t really see it that way since that’s what I’m used to being around and default to, but I do understand how others might view it that way. Anyway, I just happen to get transferred to people this time who are prissy little douche twerps and feel they’ll need to terminate the call if I continue in that vein. No problem buddy, let me safe you the trouble. Fuck off. Hehehe. :smiley:

So? We didn’t remember. That means we can use it again.

Okay, we can use something similar for November or December this year.

A few related rants:

To the people behind me at yesterday's outdoor concert -- OK, so I guess this wasn't the artist you came to see.    But would it stretch your imaginations to believe that other people want to hear him?   So could you shut your gobholes instead of chattering non-stop for 45 minutes?    Or did you think I'm turning around and giving you the hairy eyeball just out of sheer misanthropy? 

And to the clouted ear incompetent who's mixing the set -- this is an artist known for his lyrics and singing style.   Why have we amplified the drums to the point of distortion while the singer is just a muddy, muddled murmur far in the background?    I would have done far, far better to just put on my headphones and listen to him on the iPod while watching him on stage.     

Which brings us to the inconsiderate louts who decide that the walkway through the seating area would be a good place to stand for the entire set, thus blocking the stage entirely. Thanks guys.

For October I’d like to suggest Proctoberly rants - procto is the combining form for anus.

edit: not meant to be insulting btw, just descriptive. :slight_smile:

Our entire summer up here was alternation between storms (like the enormous flashing growler that took most of last night to pass) and too-hot, too-humid days. I think we had like five “nice” days between April and the end of August. I didn’t get to drive the (rain- and wet-hating) summer car nearly enough, didn’t get a number of outdoor projects done, had to work on heavy tasks in short stints or not at all, and slipped at least three times on the goddamned mossy fungus growing all over the wooden deck.

And then our big vacation - put off and put off, and to be the first real break in over four years, had to be cancelled at the last minute for strange medical reasons. (A family member spent a week in excruciating pain before it was finally diagnosed as a strangely-evidencing case of Lyme disease.) The weather was probably a net factor in both getting the infection and having it be so hard to diagnose.

If I wanted this hot, sticky, stormy effing weather we should have just moved to Lousy-ana.

I can’t rant about this!

Only two options for insurance were offered at my new company, neither of which sounded all that great. An HSA (Health Savings Account) which is pretty much where YOU pay for everything up to an annual deductible, which for a single person is $4,000. And an HRA (Health Reimbursement Account), where you pay about half of everything up to a $2,000 annual deductible. The key part of comparing these plans for me was my Diabetes meds. I paid a $15 co-payfor Metformin under my old plan, and a $30 co-pay for Januvia. If I had to pay 50% (under the HRA), that would be $145 a month for the Januvia alone. The HSA was confusing on this, indicating that it paid NOTHING until you satisfied the annual deductible, but then in the fine print saying it covered Preventative Meds outside the deductible and paid almost all of it.

Figuring I have 4 months to change my mind (chose Aug 1 when started job, kicked in Sept 1 (today), choose for next year in December), I chose the HSA.

So today I go to Walmart. First day on the plan, out of Metformin. Give the Pharmacist my card and with trepidation, ask how much I’m going to have to pay for it.

“The co-pay will be seventy four…” :eek: sucking wind, butt clenching. “cents”.

Seventy four CENTS a month? $0.74? :eek: Fucking awesome.

Ok then, can you run the Januvia just to price it out for me? $19-something a month.

Holy fuck I’m happy!

Then when they’re ready and I go back to pick them up, I remember that I’m out of test strips. Worried about this one because it wasn’t covered at all 2 plans ago, and I recall something like a $25 co-pay on my last plan. She rings them up and I’m going “Oh holy shit!” She immediately starts and says “What’s wrong? Are they really expensive?”



We actually have thunder shirts for both our girls, have had them since 2010 when they came to use with travel anxiety. Both of them have the same reaction to the shirts which is that they turn to stone. They just stand there, as still as possible, with absolutely horrified looks on their cute fuzzy faces. If we try to make them move, they walk sideways. Our dog trainer thinks it’s hilarious. Once we get them moving, they stop acting like doofuses but the shirts still didn’t do anything for Holly’s anxiety (neither did drugs, desensitive short rides with good things at the end, herbs, sitting in a human’s lap, dramamine, etc).

Ginger (the one with the new-found thunderstorm issue) got over the car issue as soon as she realized that the car means good things are gonna happen. Until last night she had never shown the slightest hint of anxiety about anything in almost 3 years. She’s just a big ball of happy goofieness.

Iggy never has any anxiety of any kind and he and Holly both think that thunderstorms are just fine.
When I left for work, I put both girls in our bedroom with the AC. They spent the whole time snuggling in our bed and both seemed quite happy when I got home.

I called my online friend today. (the one who had a stroke a month ago and still can’t even read) We had a fun conversation, lots of laughing and joking. At the end of the call, I told him that I loved him and wanted him to be well, and he told me that he loved me and hoped that I would survive the Houston summer.

We have been saying the L word to each other for a couple of years.

His son just sent me a scathing email telling me that I was a horrible person because I was leading my friend on by saying those things to him while I have no intention of sending my friend pics or visiting with him.

WTF?!?! Its an online relationship, both of us know that we will never meet, but aren’t we allowed to care for each other?

I sure hope the son didn’t say those things to my friend. I won’t tell my friend, and my reply to his email is going to be calm. I will ignore all the nasty things he said and focus on the positive points.

One of our younger family members is posting constantly on FB about her first pregnancy, babies babies babies babies, Planned Parenthood is evil, fetal heartbeats, Above Rubies, how great it is to be a submissive and obedient wife, large families are good for a woman’s health, babies and more babies, and the Duggars are the best. Oh, and did I mention babies?

I worry that she might be joining that Quiverfull movement.

Feel free to shoot some of your rain my way. I’d rather have that than temps 90+.

You haven’t blocked her yet? Even without all the submission, anti-PP stuff I’d have blocked anyone talking about babies that much. Hell, my best friend the drama queen had a very difficult pregnancy with twins (4 months of contractions, blood clot in the head, gestational diabetes, etc.) and she didn’t even post that much about babies or pregnancy.

That’s because pregnant women are smug.

[noparse]Pregnant Women are Smug by Garfunkel and Oates: The Official Video - YouTube (kinda NSFW video)

Now people outside of the SDMB and the Pit are insulting me. Fucking great. :mad: :mad:

Now, I don’t use the word “stabby” often, but boy… do I wanna do something non-G-rated right now.

And “Someone” person who’s insulting me, you can diss my dislike of salad. You can diss my dislike of sleep-talking. BUT DON’T YOU DARE FUCK WITH MY FAMILY LIFE. :mad: I wasn’t even SUPPOSED to go to that event. It wasn’t something I needed to go to. You don’t know the whole story - my mother’s an absolute nutter who got everyone at the event worried because I hadn’t turned up.

“Someone”, if you’re reading this, I hate you with the fiery passion of a million oil wells burning in hell! I don’t wish death on you, though. No. But I wish for you to be in terrrible pain for the rest of your life!

I swear… I haven’t been this angry in a long time.