Sequel to No Country for Old Men - the lighter side of Anton Chigurh

Last night I had a dream that I was watching a sequel to No Country for Old Men. It opened with Anton Chigurh driving down the road in a convertible, in a cheerful mood, with his little 8 year old daughter sitting next to them. (That’s right, apparently in this movie that my dreaming mind generated, Anton Chigurh has a young daughter. No explanation as to how this happened, but apparently he has custody of her.) They drove to a little farm that Chigurh owned and rode horses together. That’s Chigurh’s hobby, I guess, riding horses. It’s a good bonding experience between father and daughter too.

That’s where the dream ended. But I found it hilarious that I dreamed of this. Maybe in the sequel, Anton Chigurh tries to retire from a life of killing so he can settle down on his farm and raise his daughter, but naturally something happens and he has to take up his captive-bolt cattle gun again and defend his family. He’s not a bad guy! Really!

Argent Towers, if you ever got the Coen brothers to do this movie, I would pay to see it. I am not even kidding. :smiley:

I found a picture of his young daughter as well as one of his mom.

The Google ads I’m looking at are three vegetarian ads about animal cruelty, and one one about coffee. I’m not sure what to make of this.

I use Firefox and Adblock Plus. What’s an ad?

Oh my god. I just watched finished watching NCFOM. He’s a scary, scary man… ::shudder:: I watched half the thing through my fingers.

I hope that I don’t have any dreams about him, ever.

Imagine having Chigurh as a dad. Talk about daddy issues.

The parent-teacher conference would be interesting though. Not to mention introducing him to your boyfriends.

In my version, the kid has a t-shirt that says “My dad cleaned up a bad drug deal and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.” (And his car has a “Choose Death” bumper sticker.)

Call me twisted, but by the end of the movie I was actually rooting for Chigurh. I don’t know why–perhaps I thought the character deserved it because of Javier Bardem’s acting. Although truth be told, I thought the hair was pretty damn cool, and maybe that biased my opinion of what would otherwise be one hell of a bad guy.

Hell, just think what Chigurh himself was like in kindergarten. I’m picturing some pretty brilliant spitball-through-a-straw innovations, myself.

For some reason I thought you were going to be talking about this video.

Imagine him as a substitute teacher. That would be interesting.

Wonder if he teaches statistical probability in a math class by doing coin tosses.

Wow, they look so alike.

I do this all the time, dream about sequels to movies. Usually, in the dream, I’ll be flicking through the TV and fall across a movie sequel, and I’ll be “Holy crap! How have I never heard of this?!”, while everyone else will have known about it for ages. Sometimes, it bleeds over into real life, like a few weeks ago when I saw Blues Brother 2000 on TV.

Anyrate, two genuine movie sequel dreams I’ve had;

Sequel to Withnail and I…

I think in the dream this was actually called Withnail and Us, in which Marwood is a successful actor whose wife dies, leaving him to raise his infant daughter alone. He meets Withnail, now a homeless drunk, and taking pity on him, brings him to live with him. Withnail sobers up, and helps Marwood raise his baby girl. Cue muchos 3-Men-and-a-baby style family comedy. In other words, practically the exact plot of Jack and Sarah, which also starred Richard E. Grant, which I watched sometime prior to haveing this dream, probably inspiring it.
Fight Club;

This had no name, But had Ed Norton Married to Helena Bonham Carter, back living the beat down condo lifestyle, commuting to a shitty job. The more depressing the day gets, the more Ed sees Tyler Durden, at first, Tyler is all beat up, in a body cast, in a wheelchair, face all smashed up… He tries to convince Ed Norton to hey, lets go for a beer, which Ed refuses. As the movie wears on, Ed gets more and more depressed, and Tyler gets better and better; his face heals, he can walk… Until at the ened, Helena tells Ed shes pregnant, and ed says THATS IT, I’m GOING FOR A BEER. As he leaves his apartment, Tyler is standing in the hall, perfectly healed. You wanna grab a beer? Ed asks. End dream.
Shit, I gotta make these, now!

That’s pretty funny, but I was thinking of a sequel in which he has to deal with a dispute between his elderly, irascible father (also a retired assassin) and his father’s next door neighbor, an equally crotchety old hitman. Call it…

No Country for Grumpy Old Men.

Don’t forget his nephew!

Anton Chigurh and a baby
Anton, after killing a woman, due to his coin toss must raise her orphaned baby. Hilarity ensues as Anton must change diapers, perform hits, and survive teething. Anton learns to love his little charge, almost as much as he loves killing everyone he meets.

In a similar vein:

I think I’ve posted this before a while back, but whenever I think of E.T., I always imagine one extra scene tacked onto the end of it. In my version, the end of the movie goes like this:

E.T. says his goodbyes to JoBeth Williams, little Drew Barrymore, the teenage son, and finally Elliot. There is the tear-jerker moment when E.T. & Elliot hug, and E.T. points at his heart and says “I’”, and enters the spaceship which ascends into the heavens.

Onboard the spaceship, E.T. consults with his superior officer.

E.T.: “Thank the Glrrrzzz that THAT mission is over! How sickening to be touched by those freakish-looking Earthlings!”

Superior Officer: Never mind that. Report. Did you accomplish your objective?

E.T.: Affirmative! The entire family, and a good number of youths from the area have been successfully inseminated with the deadly viral infection. Even now, the contamination is spreading, and it will take a mere Earth-week to spread around the globe.

Superior: That would be just enough time for us to assemble our fleet of warships from deep space. After the virus has ravaged the world, the pitiful remaining population will be unprepared for our sudden assault!

E.T.: The fate of the Terra-3 is sealed! The earthlings our doomed. DOOMED! Mwyuaah-ha-ha-ha!.

Superior: Mwyuaah-ha-ha-ha!

E.T.: Mwyuahh-ha-ha!

The scene fades out among much Kang & Kodos style cackling & waving of their long, spindly arms.

Call it. Call it, kiddo.