Sesame Street cartoon

When I was a kid, there was this cartoon on Sesame Street about the letter M. The premise was that this letter M lived on a planet all by itself and was lonely. There was even a very sad song sung about this. At the end of the toon another M came down in a space ship and I assume they began making lower case m’s.

The question is: Does anyone else remember this? and more importantly: is there any way for me to obtain said cartoon?

Seaching google for “M sesame street” is not exactly helpful! :slight_smile:

That was lower case ‘n’ actually.

“Lower case n! (you’re not lonely any moooooooore)
Lower case n! (there are two, that stands for jooooooy!)”

Just did a google for “sesame street” and “lower case n” and found a disturbing number of sites of people recalling this cartoon. Ahhhh, talkin’ 'bout my g-g-g-generation!

I checked those out too…the “K” song was unintentionally disturbing:

“You’re okay with me, oh K K K”

I’m glad they never made a Russian one for the letter “shch”.

Nuthin’ beats the Capital I cartoon, IMHO.

well, the Little Rebel “L” came mightty close.

I can still see the Capital I rushing down the road in a car with his hair blowin’ in the wind. :stuck_out_tongue:

In a strange and far off place
there was a lowercase n
Lonely and cold she would stare off into space
and it was known she would cry now and then…

Lowercase n
Standing on a hill
The wind is very still
For the lowercase n…

Then one day a rocketship
came shooting from the sky
It landed on the hill and it opened up a door
and something started coming outside…

Lowercase n (she’s not lonely anymore)
Standing on a hill (there are two that stand for sure)
The wind is very still
For the lowercas n’s!


A rock’s not alive (no,no,no,no,no)
and a clock’s not alive (no,no,no,no,no)
they don’t eat or breathe or grow (oooh)
and that is how you know, oh-oh,oh-oh-oh-oh,
that they’re alive, that they’re alive…