So I’m thinking about trying to set up a dial up RAS system at my house. Since I have broadband internet connectivity, a combination wire/wireless network, and have twice now managed to stay in hotels that don’t have internet connectivity, I’d like to see if this is possible.
I know I’d need a dedicated box, a connection to my network, and a modem. Do I need a special modem to do this? Or will just any old modem work? What kind of software do I need? I know Windows NT has RAS settings in it, but are there any other stand alone programs that will do this? Once I get the server set up and running, I should not only be able to access my home network, but also the internet through my home connection as well, right? (I know it’ll be slow as hell, still better than nothing). I know security is a concern, but I’m really not too worried about someone dialing my home number, and hacking my system. I’m thinking a username and password would be good enough. So has anyone set something like this up at home? Any advice? Tips? Suggestions? I’ve tried searching google for RAS information, but basically get a lot of business applications, which I’m not looking for.