Several Olympics questions

  1. What country has held the Olympics the most times?
  2. What country has the most gold medals?
  3. What makes a country ineligible for being nominated/holding the Olympics?
  4. Do the athletes get paid anything, besides getting money from sponsors, for competing/winning?
  1. The United States
    St. Louis 1904
    Los Angeles 1932
    Lake Placid 1932
    Squaw Valley 1960
    Lake Placid 1980
    Los Angeles 1984
    Atlanta 1996
    Salt Lake City 2002

A total of 8

  1. Don’t know the total, but I think the U.S. still holds the gold medal lead, but it depends upon how you want to count the USSR/Russia.

  2. The only way for a country to be ineligible to compete in or even host the Olympics is for it not to be part of the Olympic Movement. If the country has a recognized Olympic Committee according to the International Olympic Committee, you’re good to go.

  3. Most national Olympic federations pay their athletes in some way and then give you a bonus for winning a medal.