I’m confused. The sirens go off a lot nowadays with tornado “warnings” because of severe thunderstorms capable of producing tornadoes. Did I miss something or aren’t watches supposed to be for speculation and a warning only happen for factual events? I don’t even know/care to fuck and cover if a siren goes off because they seem like so many false alarms. So did they relax the "warning
They do that here too. It used to be that the sirens would go off in the event of a tornado warning. These days they go off if there is a thunderstorm warning or a tornado warning. Even if the thunderstorm is in a different part of the county, they still sound the sirens here.
Old way:
Tornado warning only
New way:
Severe thunderstorm warnings
Tornado warnings
Er, was this a typo, or do they give strange safety advice round your way?
Around here (Atlanta) I have heard news reports several times where people caught in severe thunderstorms or tornadoes complain that “we didn’t hear any warnings”.
I suspect they now turn the sirens on if there is even a slight chance of any danger to avoid having investigative reporters showing up at their door asking “why didn’t you warn these people?”
Yeah a typo. Message was cut short at the end too. But what I REALLY WANT TO KNOW is do they issue bad warnings? It seems like in my area they call a tornado warning because a “severe cell” of the thunderstorm X is over the town-Like they predict it will happen even though no funnel is reported. It’s confusing because they speak of the tornado as if it exists which is why I wonder if there really are confirmed funnels or hyper-speculation.:mad:
Hm… we have no sirens up here. All we have are news warnings, on the radio and TV.