SF Story - School uses brain implant to punish kids

Story appearing in SF anthology (possibly kids’ sf) from early 2000s or before… Girl visits brother at boarding (reform?) school. Learns that he and other inmates have chips planted in their brains which can administer agonising headaches to punish unacceptable speech ot behaviour. She intends to help but finds that her parents have enrolled her there also and she will presumably get chip of her own implanted.

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You should ask @Andy_L.
Ask the guy who is pretty good at SF Story Identification - Cafe Society - Straight Dope Message Board

Unfortunately I don’t know this one

Darn, it sounds like a good one.

Has that ever happened before?

Sadly yes

Possible clue. I understand that another story in the same anthology related to a telephone that could receive calls from the future. Learning that she is to die in (I think).a plane crash, the heroine’s efforts to avoid this death actually result in bringing it about - shades of “Appointment In Samarkand”. Don’t know if that helps…

It can’t hurt to have extra info.