Shagnasty is a misogynistic prick

If you say so, dude. So I’m guessing the Australian Beauty or whatever will be paying?

Somebody once said something like this: If a guy says he knows everything about women, be sure that he knows nothing. Because obviously he doesn’t even know that women aren’t senseless, programmed robots, they are all individuals and react differently to different things. You know, just like men.

The OP reminds me of a guy I was friends with since college, who always lauded my open-mindedness (I guess because I didn’t give a fuck who or how many women he screwed… I’m not a prude) but his misogyny was so over-the-top ridiculous. Like I remember as his housemate, I once cleaned the kitchen, and he remarked, ''Wow, Spice, I guess you won’t make such a terrible mother after all."

He was a very charismatic, intelligent guy, full of fascinating (usually provocative) ideas and very open about his life and experiences, so it was hard not to like him despite this significant personal shortcoming.

I put up with it for years, and it ate at my sense of self-worth, not that he ever said too many things directly attacking me as a woman, but the simple fact that he kept making these bizarre generalizations about women and really seemed obsessed with typifying and molding women to suit his needs. And eventually, I had to end the relationship, because, as I put it, “I can’t be friends with someone who doesn’t view me as fully human.”

His response was, "Well, that’s just childish.’’

It’s clear he thought there was a meaningful difference between how he saw ME and how he saw his romantic interests, but he was completely oblivious to how hurtful and dehumanizing his comments were not just to the women he threw away, but to all women everywhere, including those he allegedly cared about. And then he called me the childish one for pointing out that his actions were too hurtful to tolerate. It’s a shame. He lost a really good friend.

Hey, lay off the robots, okay?

A bottle of wine and a filet at an “exclusive” restaurant was only $200??

The cheapest filet is $40, the cheapest bottle of wine is $15.

That leaves $145 for the “girlfriend” which isn’t too bad for a meal. (not taking into account the “substandard tip” and alleged casino discount)

The menu:

I am not going to take your advice because you don’t know what your are talking about. I married into a very wealthy family with massive real estate holding from Boston and New Hampshire to the Virgin Islands. Most people think that is lucky. It is not. My ex-wife wants to make as much money as possible and never showed up before 9pm and usually much later than that. Here we are on New Years and me and my two girls don’t even know what state she is in. She just disappears frequently. The only way her daughters can tell what she is doing is by Instagram posts that involve elaborate costumes.

Luckily, my great-fathers made wise choices too with mineral rights claims back in the 1930’s and 1940’s and now I am I multi-millionaire too along with the rest of our small family. I don’t have to do another thing for the rest of my life unless I want to. It is all under the strict guidance of staff lawyers and CPA’s. If I need something like a new car, all I have to do is make phone call. I will get full control over my share in 5 1/2 years and then I can retire.

All I want to do in the mean time is to spend quality time with with daughters, have fun with women and be done with it. I am not going to be anyone’s spouse or a stepparent. It is all recreational.

Are you complaining about the fiction? Why bother?

But you ask small help with cash from Nigerian bank account, dearest friend.

But you can’t afford a better class of hooker, and you’re in a regimented cubicle job simply for enjoyment.

It certainly looks that way.

Has any other Doper ever taken such glee in revealing himself to be a pathetic person?

Why is everyone hating on this guy?

I’m so jealous of him.

He actually scored a right-wing woman who’s NON-religious. Those women are few and far between. It seems that women are either SJWs or Jesus freaks. Why can’t more women be both sexually liberal and fiscally conservative at the same time?

just use your imagination like he does.

Poor sod actually thinks he’s a player, not a playee.

I do. I pose as a liberal man to get lusty liberal women interested in me. Think what you like, behave like others. Robert Greene’s Law of Power 38.

Right now, I’m wearing thick-rimmed glasses and I have my ears guaged. Also wearing a v-neck that says “portland”, and skinny jeans of course. This works better than when I wore polo shirts and khakis.

I say all kinds of liberal-sounding stuff that I don’t really care about. I have to appear “woke”, you know.

You know they are all inflatable, right dipshit?

I laugh at the idea these women as fiscally conservative by any definition. It sounds like they and the OP equate a successful date with one that costs hundreds of dollars. A simple coffee and dessert at Starbucks would never do.

Why not imagine big if there is going to be the fantasy…

Wait, I thought it was your grandparents, not your great-grandparents? :dubious:

For this version of the fantasy there is the desire to deepen the wisdom.

No, he said great fathers. Plural. Like his conception involved a room full of…never mind.