Shagnasty is a misogynistic prick

I probably should have just pitted him to begin with rather than continuing to engage him in this thread, which is classic Shagnasty bragging about how he goes on date after date with hot women, and…actually, I’m not entirely sure what the question in the OP was supposed to be. It seems like the bottom line is he’s tired of the dating game and wants a relationship and is feeling a restlessness or an emptiness, is tired of rejecting or being ghosted by women, is weary of screening hundreds of profiles a day (hundreds? really?). Now, none of this on its own are necessarily bad ways to feel. All normal when it comes to someone in the dating game. But the root of the problem is that Shagnasty is a misogynist who sees women as nothing more than a pretty face and a vagina.

Don’t believe me? Let’s review.

Gee, I wonder why Shags finds a successful career woman to be a poor partner. Could it be because she is not content to simply be the pretty young thing hanging on his arm, a trophy for him to parade around town, and a porn star in the sack? That’s it, guys. In Shagnasty land, that’s all a woman can bring to a relationship. Also, there’s no indication of what Shags brings to a partnership other than throwing money at them in hopes of getting laid. Very telling, that.

This isn’t the only place in the thread where he refers to dating as “charity”. Anyone have an idea yet why women may ghost this guy?

Talk in the thread turned to the infamous anecdote that Shags has told on the board several times, at least four that I could find, about how as a teenager he and his friend conspired to have Shags switch places with the (male) friend in the midst of the friend having sex with his girlfriend. My post here contains links to the four instances of the story being told on the board if you care to read it yourself. I’ll also quote the story here:

I, along with most of the other players in the thread informed Shags that he committed sexual assault. One thing that stuck out to me as being especially disgusting was this line:

Where do I even fucking start with this shit? Lucky for Shags she was on her period. Lucky for him. Not lucky for her that she narrowly missed being raped, lucky for him that he opted not to rape her because the consequences of sexual assault are terribly inconvenient. That line alone sums up Shagnasty’s view of women quite succinctly. And as you can see if you click on the link to my post, he’s so proud of this story he’s posted it at least four times on this board over the years, a couple of times verbatim, which seems to indicate he may have it saved as a word file or something. Yeah.

When that’s brought up in the thread, he ignores it for a bit, coming up with some more choice gems about women and dating:

What the fuck is this charity bullshit he keeps spouting?? Dating is not charity, you prick. Jesus fucking christ, this guy.
When he finally does respond to the discussion of his switcheroo story, he tries to make himself out to be the real victim:

That is not the story you told, bro. You rehearsed it with your buddy, you had a prearranged cue for when the switch was to happen, you hid in a closet and waited in order to do so. You planned it, practiced it, and executed it. Completely premeditated, and ample time for you to back out. But now that you’re being called out on it (because for some reason that I can’t quite comprehend, there was not much outrage generated when he told the story the past times, just a few raised eyebrows), you’re suddenly the terrified victim of the story, so terrified you just had to crawl on top of a woman in the dark, without her knowledge, and do things to her that she did not consent to.

He defends himself by calling it a teenage prank and claiming he and the victim are still friends to this day. He misses the point completely. The girl in question may not even be aware it happened. It may not have had a profound effect on her life or even any at all. The point is that he committed a violation and he is either unable or unwilling to understand that.

He also expresses not understanding why that story follows him around the board and still gets brought up to this day. The fact that he’s the one who’s so proud of the story he’s told it several times over the years seems to escape his attention. He does not express a single bit of regret or remorse. He wonders why the story “draws so much emotion”. Yeah, people so crazy, having strong reactions to stories of assault told with pride and not a lick of regret. We’re clearly the crazy ones here. Another choice gem:

That’s pure class. He throws the female victim under the bus by insinuating that she may have been in on it the whole time because reasons. Then he chalks up the outrage to “PC fury”.

To that I say, listen here, shitface: feel free to take your claims of PC fury, light them on fire, and shove them directly up your ass. This isn’t one of those “grey” he said/she said cases. You got into bed with a woman, in the dark, and kissed her and touched her body without her knowledge and without her consent. That is sexual assault. And no rationalization you try to make will change that, you sick freak. Oh, here’s another classic line:

Yeah, us women folk sure are weird when it comes to unwanted touching. Chicks are insane, you know.
There’s been some people discussing in that thread that Shags may have some kind of personality disorder. I usually kind of roll my eyes at that because that’s not an uncommon thing for people to suggest about an OP that’s the subject of a trainwreck du jour but in this case, I think there might be something to it.
When a poster brought up the fact that there’s not a statute of limitations for rape in the state where the incident Shags shared occurred, he posted a threatening comment to the said, but quickly edited it out - someone caught the edit, and he also sent the unedited version to another poster via PM, which I have copied below:

This is where IMO he takes a turn to kind of scary. He claims he isn’t dangerous because he is a professional who has children. Because no one who has committed any sort of dangerous crime has ever been a professional or been a parent. I mean, what? And read the line about 50 Shades of Grey - how much more fucked up can a person get? Women who enjoy reading erotic fiction aren’t allowed to have strong feelings about sexual assault? Why, Shags? Because the bitches are asking for it? Because women are nothing more than pretty faces with pussies? You’re a sick, twisted, misogynistic shithead and you deserve every minute of the emptiness and restlessness that you are experiencing. You will always experience it, because you don’t know any other way, and I’m glad you will likely never experience a real, fulfilling, loving relationship, because you don’t deserve it. You don’t deserve to be peed on if you were lit on fire. You need professional help, but whether or not you ever pursue it, I really could not care less. You’re a disgusting, horrible person.


You’re assuming anything that he says has even the slightest basis in truth.

I’m judging him by his posts which is all I can judge him by. Tis the nature of the internet.

Great Pitting for a douchenozzle who couldn’t deserve it more. I feel like he’s always kinda gotten away with misogynistic and skeevy shit in other threads with little consequence and surprising amounts of defense. He pollutes the place with his bullshit, whether it’s true or not.

I have to give you credit for a pitting of great substance. All of that stuff is really, really problematic.

If Shag is interested, we can definitely have a conversation about the difference between BDSM, shitty novels like 50 Shades of Grey, rape fantasies, and sexual assault. The short answer: consent.

On a general note, this has been a really demoralizing week on the Dope. Is anyone else just really fucking tired of this shit?

2017, ya’ll.

My ‘ew’ moment was when he mentioned his little daughter was his perfect date! Creeped me the fuck out. Shades of Donald and Ivanka.

Yeah, I pretty selectively read the Dope these days. Part of me wishes the thread that spawned this one wasn’t one of the few that caught my attention. I felt like I needed a shower halfway through. I also strongly suspect that hypothetical conversation would be a waste of time.

Ditto. He has a nasty undertone in many of his posts and they just tend to slide by. Good for the OP in putting all this together to CITE why he’s as described in the thread title.

He’s totally a disgusting, horrible person. And he’s also sort of threatened me in a PM. I called bullshit on some story he told about his mom, so he sent me a PM telling me

My days of not taking him seriously have, as the good captain says, come to a middle. The less I read of his repulsive humblebragging the better off I am.

And Spice Weasel, you’ve been doing yeoman’s work explaining sexual violence to people lately, and I know I’m not the only one who appreciates it, and appreciates you and all you bring to this misbegotten place. Sorry the board’s been so tainty lately; hope it gets better.

Have fun. I am going into a relationship with a great person. I have two daughters that I adore more than anything, an ex-wife that still likes me and lots of female friends. I have some unconventional ideas but they aren’t misogynist at all and I never raped anyone. I kissed an older friend when I was 17 and it may have even been her idea for all I know yet some people think that is the worst thing that can happen in the world. These accusations get ridiculous. Even if you are a woman, I have more female friends that you do and I treat them like gold. That is my reality and life.

Fire away. I am not going to respond because I don’t respond to crazy but feel free to make to show all the outrage you want to for imagined crimes against women.

Believe me, the admiration is mutual.

I’ve actually handled Rape Week: Special Hollywood Edition better than I have handled rape weeks past. As gross as are some of the opinions and behaviors I’ve seen, the force of the pushback is growing. I see more people speaking up than ever before. It’s galvanizing.

The only thing is…

I really, really need to finish that book by the end of the month. Which is, incidentally, heavily thematic on the difference between sexual assault and consensual kink. Maybe I should send a copy to Shag, and other people that seem to really confuse these things. I’ve seen some snarky comments around the web about how feminists must secretly harbor rape and submission fantasies, and what I want to tell them is that we have no need to keep such fantasies secret, because they in no way contradict with the ideals of gender equality and consent.

I’m not yet sure we’ve come that far as a society yet, though.

There is a persistent underlying nastiness in so many of his posts. Ugh.

Oh, I don’t dispute that the online persona he’s crafted is vile and repugnant, I just think that all of the things he boasts of happen solely in his head: for instance, he’s been caught outright plagiarising sections from Wikipedia and attributing them to his allegedly famous mother. He’s just a particularly repellent sub-species of the Common Internet Bullshit Artist.


of course, he was the victim there too.

Guys, he has more female friends than we do. That must be a lot or something. I guess he’s ok after all!

^^^^ What he said. Thank you Spice Weasel

I hope you forwarded it to the mods. The way he speaks about how he’ll “get a person back, even if it takes years”, if they somehow wronged him, really creeps me the fuck out. That’s not normal.

But seriously, he’s either the kind of shitbird that has crafted an online persona of what he believes is a perfectly normal, yet bitchin’ life, but everything he knows about life he learned from porn and video games from his/his mom’s basement OR he is the kind of shitbird who truly believes and has done the ridiculous shit he writes about. I’m not sure which of those possibilities makes him more pathetic.

He’s going into a “relationship” with a great person, you guys. He just said so! Now, let me guess, Shaggy…she’s an “heiress.” Or maybe a model? How about a 17-year-old girl with amazing tits because women your own age make you throw up a little in your mouth. Ooh, bet she’s RICH! Really, it doesn’t matter because he’s just some fatass jerking off to people reading his poor excuse for “bragging.”

I feel like mocking Shagnasty’s family even though I have no strong opinion of them or him.

He also claimed that other boys at his high school had massive public group jerk-offs in the locker room; nobody else on this board, male or female, could ever recall anything like that happening at their schools, which put the story’s veracity into doubt.

Eat shit, you syphilis encrusted boil.