Shai'tan's magic is amazing

Last night I went to see Shai’tan perform his magic show (which happens to happen at a bar 3 mins from my house)

He made a credit card leviate and spin while spinning around his back and nearly over his head in a ellipictical patern. He made three tiny little green foam balls turn into limes under cups before my eyes. The limes didnt even fit in the cup when he tried to put them back in there! He read my mind. He made lots of things vanish and then reappear. He also used his hypnosis power to tell me that KC DopeFest needs to witness this

Well, isn’t he sweet?

Glad you enjoyed the show! Hope you didn’t mind joining the other table. I figured you would get to see a show with a lot more energy that way. Come out anytime. Bring your friends, I’ll give you a whole new show. I’ve got something special planned for any Doper’s that show up during the KCDopefest…

I got to meet some new people and they def. set up a few zingers for you, that i wouldnt have heard if it was just me! I have talked most of my peoples into coming with me one of these weekends. I ended up talking to the girl i usually run and hide from when she comes in the room cause shes so pretty, and we exchanged phone numbers. So it will def. be a wonderful evening in my memory for sure. I posted about it in the KCDopefest thread, it needs to be voted on but I mean how could there be somethig better.

Turns out the couple didnt just meet though, they have been engaged for a few months. liars!

I was guessing that. But if someone want to play “make-believe” for the night, who am I to judge? I lie for a living!