We have a baptismal record for someone named Gulielmus Filius Johannis Shakspere from Stratford-Upon-Avon in 1564. We have plenty of other evidence that he was a real guy (marriage licence, children’s baptisms, tax documents, property documents, will, theatre playbills listing him as an actor, some letters mentioning that he owes people money). But there’s also plenty of evidence to suggest he didn’t write all or any of the works now attributed to William Shakespeare.
Maybe he didn’t have the necessary knowledge of law, maybe he didn’t have enough opportunity to learn Greek–whatever. There are many theories around, which tend to boil down to Francis Bacon/Walter Raleigh/Queen Elizabeth using a raunchy pseudonym (shakin’ the spear = strokin’ the salami…har dee har) to publish secret codes for receipt by government spies/revolutionaries/the Illuminati/the Rosicrucians/future seekers of occult knowledge.
If it wasn’t the humble Stratfordian actor who wrote the classic plays and poems, then who was it? What were their motives and how did the fraud come to be believed? What brilliant arguments have been advanced on both sides of the debate?
Furthermore, as to whomever did write Shakespeare, did (s)he have anything in mind besides entertaining playgoers and literature students? One convincing piece of evidence for the Bacon authorship is the bilateral font cipher which encodes his name in a few places–this is a code that Bacon admitted to, though its results are controversial. In conjunction with the mysterious printing codes used in many works published by Bacon (like the double A on the title page), some have suggested Bacon wrote the plays with an alchemical motive.
Here is a site maintaining Shakespeare wrote Shakespeare. Here is one for Bacon. Here is one for the Earl of Oxford. There are plenty more sites out there. I lean towards Bacon, myself. But then, I also believe Shakespeare is only part of a vast conspiracy that also includes the founding of the USA. I doubt that one will go far here, and it won’t go anywhere on the evidence I’m going to bring to the discussion.
I’m sure there have been threads on this in GQ or GD, but as a freeloader I can’t search the boards (terrible idea, by the way; it’s the new users who need the search function). Links to old threads would be just as nice as new answers. Thanks in advance to all readers and responders.