Share some surnames and let's see if we's kinfolk

From England: Johnson to U.S. in 1700(?) > upstate New York > chased across the country > inception of Utah

Diamond, McDougall, Hanks > from UK (probably Scotland and Ireland) > Utah

From Holland: Ekker > Utah

If ya grow up Mormon ya got all this stuff at your fingertips! My gramma made a genealogy chart that goes back to Adam (hmmmm).

I have a friend here in Kentucky who is a Noe, and I knew a few others. This one is part of th eNoe family which makes Jim Beam, Booker’s, and Knob Creek.

It was a fun wedding. :smiley:

I just now received a family tree on paper in the mail from my aunt!

The names include: Hoffman, obviously from Germany; Cornell and McIntyre from Scotland; Malpass and Watterworth from England but unclear if English or Welsh.

Also Cole (English) on my dad’s side.

Well, I’ve got an unusual name in my family, originally from Northern England (Lake District, I believe) : Threlkeld Also in the past some ancestors names are Chester, Mountain and Minto

I bet there’s no Threlkelds, seems to be a very uncommon name.

So did my grandpa’s family. As well as uncountable others. Korzeniewski, Kubalow and Duglasz. Came over from Cracow.

Want to know? Maryland has the best internet archives in the world. Try Volume 655. Also try your local library website. I know Texas and Hawaii offer Heritage Quest at Home. Pop in your library card number and free census! All of it. Maryland’s completely indexed.

I’ll play along with what info I have in my head
Paternally you have Klinge® from the Holstein area in Germany. Somewhere on paper I have the lineage back to the mid 17th century. When Ernest Klinge named his children some had an “r” placed on the end of their surname for no apparant reason. I know my paternal grandmother was Derr.

Maternally you have your Hanus (or Hanusch) from Bohemia. Josef (my maternal great grandfather) came over in 1895 at the age of 7. His son, Joseph, married into Weisczicki. There are also Zemba’s in that side. My step grandma was Eliuk by marriage (her second, don’t know name of first). Her maiden name is unknown. She was from Kiev and I know there is still a great many of her relatives there.

My dad’s side is almost all German based with one lone Anderson tossed in (an uncle by marriage). Mom’s side is all Bohemian and Polish. Dad’s side is straight from Germany to Wisconsin. Mom’s is straight from Bohemia to Minnesota (with one known great great uncle Adolph in New York for some time) or from Poland to Chicago to Minnesota.

Sure, why not?

Chastain, Bair, Allen, Wysock, Zima

(I’ve come to believe that “Zima” was really “Zimmer,” but some Ellis Island worker wrote it phoenetically since the German -er kind of sounds like “uh” to us Americans, and that “Wysock” is just “Wysocki” with the -i dropped)

Ok, I’ve got McClellan, yes related to that general, Dunn, Tolman, and Angell on my mom’s side, and Wolf, Austin, and Small all from my dads side. His family is still in Australia, England with the Wolf’s in PA. Mom’s is mostly in California, but we have had it traced back to William the Conquerer.

Hey - I’ve got Allerton too - from Remember Allerton (daughter who came over on the ship with her parents and became my ancestor) down through Ballard, Roberts and Hawkes, on my Mother’s side.

On my Dad’s it’s Williams and McClaughry.

COUSIN ! :smiley:

So our common ancestor is Isaac Allerton. (I am descended from his second marriage, you’re from his first.)

do you know how many generations you are from Remember, or to put it another way how many greats before grandmother ?
and, this could get a little weird, but I know a Roberts that is my 12th cousin 1 removed, through William Brewster, whose daughter Fear married Isaac. Do you know if your Roberts has a Brewster antecedant ? we could be double cousins !

Here’s mine:

Schneider from Saulgau (on the Danube in Southern Germany)
Fuchs (from a tiny little village called Brackwang in Baden-Wuerttemberg)
Heublein (from Hildburghausen in Thueringen)
Moench (from somewhere in the Balck Forest)

That wouldn’t be Neils Christian Johnson, would it?

heck, i’ll play for once.

maternal side:
Bilski – Polish i believe, currently based in Ohio
Hardik (or possibly Hardick. geez, all the family’s dying out, and i can’t remember how to spell my great-grandmother’s name) – probably Slovak, based in Punxsutawney, PA. there’s a vague story that some distance cousin went off and got a job at racetracks, possibly as a jockey, and changed the last name to Hardtack.

paternal side:
Miller – probably English, again from Ohio
dang, i just realized i’ve never known my paternal grandmother’s last name. i know it was probably German, but that’s about it.

yeh, we’re a skimpy bunch, rapidly thinning the ranks to boot.

The story that knocks around the family here and there is that we are related. To that extent, I went to get his birth certificate (freely available in NYC, since he was born before 1910) hoping to recognize the names of his parents or the address where they lived. Nada on both counts. So, it’s just an unsubstantiated story.

Zev Steinhardt

Cline, Young, Swinney, Tomlinson, Smith, Deason, Herring

no clue what origins they are…I only know history as far back as my maternal grandfather’s childhood on a ranch, my paternal grandfather’s pioneering the school system in my home town, my paternal grandmother’s graduation from college at the age of 16…

I also know that the Clines and the Tomlinsons were merged thanks to five sisters on one side marrying five brothers from another side…because of that situation, our family ended up with a whole lot of aunts and uncles who were about the same ages as their nieces and nephews (hence: my great-great-aunt and my maternal grandmother were best friends…a few years apart…weird)

Lessee: Mickey, Joos, Schmelzer/Schmeltzer, Spires, Christ (no kidding!)

My mother has done extensive genealogy, but I can’t remember any more.

Oh and I forgot, lots and lots of cousins in Utah.

those are my parents’ last names.

I talked to my father and got a few more on his paternal side to throw out here – Ragusa, Nicholas/Nicola, and Baglio, as well as Kuqi being an alternative Albanian spelling for Cuccia (pronounced as if it were spelt “Cucci”).

Bracey, Brister, Lyons, O’Rourke, Reid. Those are all I can think of off the top of my head.