Share your Christmas Memories

As I was putting up the Christmas tree last night, I was thinking about all the things that make it “Christmas” for me. I was wondering, what makes it Christmas for you? What are your fondest memories of Christmas?

I’ll go first. :slight_smile:

I always identify snow with Christmas. Luckily, there’s snow on the ground here, (it is Ottawa of course,) so it feels very festive.

Every year we’d pull out our six record Country Christmas set, and play it for hours and hours. It drove my parents crazy. I wish I could find a copy of it on CD.

I remember making ginger bread houses every Christmas. We’d bake the gingerbread walls and roof, and use egg whites and sugar to make the “mortar.” And then decorate the houses with gumdrops, allsorts and stuff like that.

Then we’d go out and cut some greenery to make wreaths. We’d decorate them with gold painted pinecones and dried cranberries.

Thats one right there. Without fail every Christmas tree we get dies Xmas day or Boxing day at least. Best yet was the tree that was supposed to grow all year so you can use it again. Sure, that was gonna work :rolleyes:
Apart from that its the tonnes of cooking Mum does. Racks of mince pies and many tarts. Thankfully now Dad’s retired we don’t have to put up with him staggering home Christmas eve drunk :wink: For me its the gratuitous consumption of lager and getting verily annoyed at the crap films on TV and then everyone getting annoyed at each others prescence and wanting to leave for uni’ again (note the gratuitous consumption of lager had nothing to do with getting annoyed at others prescence :slight_smile: )

Our traditions are watching It’s A Wonderful Life and drinking eggnogg on Christmas Eve. On Christmas day we watch A Christmas Carol and just sort of laze around the house. Ah, so peaceful.

I grew up in Ft. Lauderdale and missed out on the snow, but then again we had Christmas boat parades with Santa waving at us from a yacht :slight_smile: .

One of my favorite memories of Christmas was visiting my grandparents in Alabama and sleeping in a featherbed in front of a fireplace.

At my grandparents house, though I slept on the bottom floor, I heard a “kthunk, kthunk” above me. Being young and naive, I thought it might be santa. I rushed upstairs and loe and behold no santa - but the presents were all under the tree. I thought he might have magically moved mega fast and put them there.