Share your Covidiot stories

My mom is definitely a Covidiot from what I’ve observed.

Back in December 2020 when the vaccine was just being rolled out, I created this thread asking how I could get the vaccine even though my mom didn’t want me to. Now, back then, this vaccine was completely new, so my mom had every right to be concerned about it. Here’s the catch, though - 7 months later, and my mom is still feels this way and always goes on and on about how it could pose risks to your health as if other medications don’t have risks at all.

Another example is this thread I created not too long after the previous one. In it, I explain how my mom thinks the government had no right to put us in lockdown and that we’re a free country and we deserve our rights. Of course, this is completely fucking stupid, as when COVID first came out, it was a state of emergency, and the government has every right to quarintine the nation in that scenario.

Of course, I still love my mom; it’s just that her political beliefs about COVID are very out of wack.