Share your Covidiot stories

JKellyMap, people like the ones described in that article infuriate me. Self-entitled pricks who think servers are there for their sexual gratification, using their monetary power to harass workers. Throwing temper tantrums in public to take out their frustrations on the unfortunate server. Now that I work in the service industry, I deal with maskholes all the time. It’s amazing how a little pandemic can show you who the assholes are.

This bolded part makes me mad:

The National Restaurant Association, the country’s largest food service trade association, said that the new legislation would pose “an impossible challenge for the restaurant industry,” forcing further closures and layoffs. (The group also said it was addressing the prevalence of “maskual harassment” in other ways, including training to help employees de-escalate conflicts.)

So the solution to be people harassing others is to teach the people being harassed to be nice to them? That looks like a way to let them know the behavior is OK. I get that you don’t want to escalate the conflicts, but when someone is engaging in bad behavior, if it results in zero negative outcome, then it is not going to discourage it.


Over at Not Always Right there was a story a few months ago where due to being an obnoxious prick, a guy had gotten himself banned from all four restaurants in his small town. Some people are impervious.

Why? What did they do?

Okay, more specifically, telling ladies to take off their masks to show their pretty faces, or show “if the bottom half of my face was as cute as the top," even though the mask is for safety. “… a customer dining outside spat on her and threatened to kill her when she asked him to put on a mask before walking to the bathroom; there were others who shouted expletives at her or suggested she take the temperature of their behinds instead of their foreheads.” Throwing a temper tantrum and throwing everything on the floor to make a mess when she tells him to wear a mask to go inside to go to the bathroom.

Just found out that my mother’s best friend spent all of last night “performing research,” and is now 100% convinced that Bill Gates is implanting microchips via vaccine and has been using girls in India as guinea pigs.


Ugh. I think the third whammy is the fact that (generally) people willing to go to restaurants are already of the mindset of not believing in the dangers of the pandemic. A self-selecting group of selfishness is not likely to garner good tips. I want to dine out and tip well, but since I’m not dining out…

Grocery delivery people are getting good tips from us though.

I feel cheated. I didn’t get a microchip and I’m not turning transhuman yet. Do I have to wait for the second dose before I become one with the electronic overmind?

Actually, Gates misunderstood the goal: the injection will actually promote Transhumance, so you’ll have to wait until the season changes and see if you are irresistibly drawn to a different altitude.

Our politicians are stupider than your politicians!

That well-known infectious disease expert Rep. Andy Biggs is at it again.

"This time, he has proof – proof, I tell you – that wearing a mask does nothing to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Forget the recommendations of all the experts on infectious disease. When it comes to protecting public health, Biggs is the guy to listen to.

In fact, by his logic, it appears face coverings might even be to blame for the spread of this highly contagious, potentially fatal virus. (Or here in the real world, not)."

Well, it seems he has figured out that Maricopa County had only 35,689 confirmed cases of COVID-19 from Jan. 26, 2020, the date the novel coronavirus was first found in Arizona, until June 19, when the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors imposed a mask mandate.

But in the eight months since masks were mandated, the county has seen 417,009 cases of COVID-19.

Oh, but there’s more.

In the nearly five months before we were required to wear masks in public, Biggs notes that just 2,152 Maricopa County residents were hospitalized for COVID-19. But in the eight months since masks were mandated, 26,866 people have been hospitalized.

Then there’s this:

Pre-mask, 736 Maricopa County residents died as a result of contracting COVID-19. But once we covered our faces, 6,149 people died.

“Since Maricopa County instituted its masks mandate last year, we’ve seen almost 12x the number of cases; almost 10x the number of hospitalizations; and 9x the number of deaths compared to the time before the mandate,” Biggs tweeted on Tuesday. “Masks do not slow or stop the spread of COVID-19.”

Yep, that’s really his conclusion. "

You can’t make this shit up.

By the same token, the traffic fatalities per 100,000 population was 0.07 in 1900 but 11.18 in 2018.

Who says cars are safer?

Yeah, well, Arizona didn’t have any cases of COVID before Biggs was elected, so what does that say?

Apparently so, my mom has had one dose and isn’t reporting any superhuman effects or signs of being tracked yet.

Yep, that’s misusing data analysis and statistics. It’s a simple case count comparison, but fails to acknowledge the basics of epidemiology - the spread of diseases. That case numbers and deaths increased after mask mandates is true, but epidemiology says that case counts and deaths were going to increase. The question that he can’t answer with his numbers is what would have happened without the mask orders. That is the comparison that is valid.

“Flattening the curve” didn’t work because governments were too eager to be open and too resistant to actually doing that. Instead of flattening the curve, we just managed to slow it. Instead of an unchecked exponential growth, we got a slower lumpy growth.

They do that all the time. A few months ago on a Zoom meeting with my camp at Burning Man I mentioned that COVID had become the #1 cause of death in the US some two weeks before, beating out heart attacks, strokes, and cancer. One member said that was false, citing an article in The Federalist that the total deaths for 2020 (not even over yet) still had COVID as #4 or 5.

I said that the disease didn’t really get rolling until March or April and if he wanted to cherry-pick data, he should use total deaths since 2015 to make things look even better.

For some, that’s a hobby, for others, a full time job.

That’s what I’m hoping. Although with my luck my connection with the electronic overmind will be dial-up.

Ouch, that’s kinda scary.

I was hoping for permanent God Mode by the time Diablo 2 is re-released. The big worm kicks my butt every time I play through it.

I was at Tractor Supply Company with a cart full of 200 pounds of horse feed. There are helpful markings on the floor for people who can’t estimate distance. A Covidiot guy, my age (63), wearing a Billy the Kid bandana mask, gets in line behind me…right behind me. I glared at him and awkwardly moved my cart to move further from him. He follows me, getting as near to me as possible. He looked like he was acting in a slow zombie movie.

I lost it a little and angrily said, “back the fuck up!” He had a ten year old kid with him who understood what was going on. The kid grabbed his elbow and moved him away, but the guy immediately moved back toward me. I was ready to walk out, but I needed horse feed. I now yelled, “what’s your fucking problem? Get the fuck away from me!”

A store employee had been watching and came over to talk to the guy just as my cashier was ready for me. I paid, took my horse feed to my Jeep, then returned my cart. As I walked back to my Jeep I see the guy across the parking lot but walking (shambling) towards me. I got in and drove away, but I was tempted to run him down. Still no clue what the dude’s situation was.

I don’t fuck with shamblers, man.