Welcome to the HoseNose Club!
I’ve had mine for about 14 months now. Had a number of sleep studies in the early Oughts, that did not show enough apnea to be worth treating, had another one in early 2010 that did (not severe though, my AHI was maybe 19 an hour during REM and much lower the rest of the time). Titration was a pain - no attempt to fit me with various masks and see what worked, just “Here. Wear this for a bit and get used to it”. I made a note of the model so I knew NOT to let them stick me with that one!!
The DME provider actually suggested a different, much lower-profile mask (the Swift FX). Very easy to put on and take off. The disadvantage is that if I jiggle the hose the wrong way it can make it leak, but since I’m not usually jiggling the mask while sleeping it hasn’t been an issue.
I used Ambien for the first couple of nights I had it, assuming I’d have trouble getting used to it. I still don’t love it, but didn’t need sleeping meds after that.
I do generally use mine if I’m napping, unless it’s one of those accidentally-falling-asleep naps. It’s easier since I’ve gotten slack about emptying / drying the reservoir every day, means the thing is always ready and I can grab it easily. Otherwise I would probably not bother.
The downside for me is that it hasn’t helped. I’ve got multiple sleep issues going on (RLS, apnea, excessive daytime sleepiness) and each time I get treatment for one, I’m still feeling like shit. RLS treated, better dreams at night meaning I’m getting more REM, but don’t feel better. Apnea treated, ditto. EDS: Well, I take a very expensive medication during the day, then am crashing and stumbling by dinnertime. Oh well.
I’m assuming you have a unit with a heated humidifier, if not see if you can have one added. Makes it a bit bulkier but improves comfort.
I’ve found my teeth are harder to clean when I go to the dentist - my mouth tends to hang open (with my tongue providing a barrier so air doesn’t escape) so the teeth get dried out, and more tartar forms or doesn’t get washed away or something.
I do travel with it. I’m actually wondering what to do in a couple of months, when I’ll be escorting a bunch of Girl Scouts on a trip - will I use the thing while sleeping in a roomful of 13 year olds? Possibly I won’t bother - my apnea isn’t that severe, and I won’t be driving.