One thing that really works for me is that my Outlook folder structure is exactly the same as my file structure. Makes looking for information so much quicker. Both look like this:
1 UKFM FF subfolders for each month
2 Event Coordination subfolders for each event, naming convention is “yy mm dd eventitle”
3 Travel Bookings
4 Induction and Personal
5 Moves
What little things do you do that make your working day more efficient?
I make “appointments” in my Calendar to remind me to do things that I must do later, but cannot do right now (deactivating obsolete info after we invoice, for instance.)
I try to handle everyone’s requests as soon as they come in, that way I don’t hold them up and they’re off my plate.
Instead of crossing out things on my to-do list, I “cross them off” with a highlighter. That way I know they’re done, but if I need to be able to read the info later, I can.
I can’t stand having email in my inbox that doesn’t have a specific purpose. It all goes into my .pst folders (I have a ton) or is marked with a flag (different colors for different bosses). If I’m done with it, it’s archived or deleted.
Anything that I’ll ever have to use again is made into a template so I don’t have to re-invent the wheel.
All my file labels are made with a label-maker. Not the cheapest route, but the fastest and easiest to read.
Really, taking the time to set up folders either in Outlook or in Windows Explorer is the single greatest thing for my personal efficiency. I can quickly and easily find stuff - and I have a TON of stuff - because it’s organized. I avoid saving actual paper as much as possible. I can quickly search my electronic files (and even do other things while the search function is looking!) with a keyword. A huge file of sheets of paper, not so much. If I can scan it and save it on my computer instead of putting it in a manila file, I will.
Oh, and most people don’t seem to know about the Notes feature in Outlook. I use it religiously. All kinds of one-off bits of info that I’ll need later but don’t have a way to really “file” goes on a note. Like mycompany’s TIN, or my boss’s favorite hotels in all the cities he visits. All the domain names we own… Passwords… stuff like that.