She-ra! She-ra! "I am She-ra!"

I had a TON of Strawberry Shortcake dolls and stuff. Hell, I still have them!

My favorite was Blueberry Muffin.

One of the Rainbow Brite movies, I think about the star stealer, has a line that just slayed me when I watched the movie again a few years ago. Rainbow and her horse have to cross a river or something and hooray they get across! But after they get across, the horse’s line just cracked me up:

“It’s a good thing I’m so splendidly graceful!”

I think it was the uber cheesiness of it that killed me. It may not read as funny now, I realize.

Oh and when we dug out my Jem dolls a few months ago, her earrings were still working! And this is like 18 years later!

There was a She-Ra book I believe where a spell is cast upon her and her head grows to these enormous proportions. The illustrations are freeeeaky.

Saramamlana, I think I remember that book. I think I might have had that book, at one time. Dude, now I want to go raid my sister’s bookshelf.

BTW- Remember to look for Lookee, who’s hiding somewhere in this thread.

I have Bo, She-ra, Castaspella and whatever the one with the wings and the purple hair was in a drawer in my desk. They’ve been through the wars- tatoos, piercings, and hair dye.

I had the castle, too. I don’t know when I got rid of it.

Anyone want to do a “List All The Cartoons Ever” thread? Popples, She-ra, Thundercats, Fables Of The Green Forest, Jem, Funky Brewster, BraveStar, The Muppet Babies…

That would be Punky Brewster. It was based on a sitcom starring Soleil Moon Frye(Who can currently be seen as one of Sabrina’s roommates in Sabrina The Teenage Witch). The cartoon added Glomer a magical being from a town at the end of the rainbow who has become stranded in our world.

Muppet Babies is currently being ripped off by the very inferior Looney Tunes Babies. LTB lacks the writing and the use of live action clips.

Popples popped in. Popples popped out. It was what Popples were all about.

Bravestar-because it jest ain’t the west without aliens and robots.

Thundercats(like many Gen X cartoons) is making a comeback. Image has a new Thundercats series. I refuse to buy it. It’s supposed to take place after the series ended. But Mum-Ra is still around. Lion-O killed Mum-Ra in the Anointment Trials episodes.
Fables Of The Green Forest- My shame is great. I know nothing of this show. I beseech you, enlighten me!

I had her too, I just remembered. She was a butterfly-person. I don’t remember her name or the bee and peacock looking girls, either. I don’t believe they were ever on the She-Ra series, just dolls.

I had a Jem with the flashing earrings, too. Her earrings lasted longer than she did. I played a game once where she got attacked by something. I drew all over her with red crayon and ripped her head off. (I was bad to my dolls.) Later I regretted this move and took a Barbie and tried to color her hair pink with a marker. It didn’t come out looking right, just sort of spikey orangey. So I decided she was my Cyndi Lauper Barbie instead. : )

I never got to have a Rainbow Brite doll, even though I badly wanted one. They let me have Starlite the horse. They figured that none of my friends would have Starlite and we could use their Rainbow Brite dolls in games. I still wanted her though.

Does anyone remember Rose Petal Place? A girl had to leave her garden and she cried on the flowers and somehow her teardrops brought the flowers to life? All the dolls were perfumy and had flower-hats with a teardrop on them. I used to love that show and those dolls. Typically, I never had Rose Petal, but I had one called Lily.

I remember Strawberry Shortcake too, I had the Blueberry Muffin one.

Man, I wish I had all my old dolls. I wish they’d bring these shows back on the Cartoon Network!

Heheh it’s funny what nostalgia will do to you. I’m 24 and desiring dolls I played with when I was 6!

YES! I wanted those dolls so badly, but I never got any of them! :frowning:

My Jem’s earrings were destroyed by my little sister. She broke a lot of my toys. :mad:

I had the Rose petal thing, but I don’t know why. I remember it smelling like ny grandma (the rose scent, I guess).

I miss Punky Brewster! I had PB sneakers i wore until my feet were 2 sizes too big for them. I wanted to be her so badly. Sigh.

Hey, I remember that – except it wasn’t her, it was one of her friends, and the reason for it was that said friend had an incredible fit of snobbiness or something. I always found the entire concept unduly amusing. :wink:

I had far too much of the stuff in this thread, although a lot of the toys had vanished by the time I hit my early teens (unless my parents have some of them packed away somewhere). I’m totally reliving my childhood here… :wink:

I had a Rose’s Petal’s Place record. In retrospect, it was scary.

I also had that book where what’s-her-name’s head inflated. I may still have it at my parent’s place somewhere.

After I posted, I remembered that it was Punky Brewster. Thanks for the correction. Have I really found a cartoon that DocCathode doesn’t know? It was about these happy-go-lucky forest animals. I remember watching it before The Polka-Dot Door and Today’s Special!. I think we need an old cartoon thread. Watch for it, and please participate.