Sheryl Crow's Face

Recently I’ve watched Sheryl Crow’s “Behind the Music” on VH1 and seen some newspaper articles about her new album.

How is it that her face looks SO completely different – seems like she’s gotten a new hairdo, a makeover, etc, but there’s something so totally different about her face and I can’t put my finger on it. It doesn’t even look like Sheryl Crow’s face at ALL, and it’s driving me crazy why I can’t figure this out.

Anybody read anything or have any insight on this?

Maybe it’s botox, which seems to have addictive qualities.

The 4/17/02 Washington Post music reviewer trashed Crow over the general bad popness of her latest album. The accompanying photo had her in a really age-inappropriate getup. Maybe she is trying to join the Pepsi generation like that blonde chick.

Oops, don’t know what day it is. The review was in the 4/16 Washington Post.

She’s a pothead and she gets the munchies, so there’s a bit of distension in the jowls. The wages of stardom…

And to think that when she first hit the scene, she struck me as a genuine rocker who wasn’t interested in anything except playing music. Now she’s posing in sleazy clothes and such.

Like this?

Hubba Hubba

I will see your Hubbas and raise you two “Tasty’s”

Sleazy Shmeazy…she is lookin fine

Whoa. She’s a big ol’ hottie.

Sheryl was on Carson Daly’s shmoozefest last night, talking about her “decision” to start dressing more provocatively. She said that basically, she’s worked hard, she’s proven herself, she’s not trying to cash in on her body more than her music, and now she’s 40 and she still looks pretty good so she’s enjoying her feminity and sexuality while she can.

Personally, I think she’s trying to scare up a husband, because she’s on record about wanting to be married and have a kid before it’s too late, and you know that she’s hearing her bioclock ticking in her head at about 90 decibels these days. She doesn’t want to end up like her pal Stevie Nicks – extraordinarily accomplished, but ultimately alone.

Sheryl Crow is forty?

Eep! I hope I look that good when I’m forty! Not that forty’s old, but dammit, she does not look freakin’ forty!

(Aside-I adore Crow. When is the new album coming out?)

Gee, that’s news: sex sells.

Especially in Crow’s case, when she hasn’t had a new album out in years and she’s competiting on the pop scene with the likes of Christine and Britany and Pink. Why not try to scare up a little publicity with some skin, especially looking as she does?

I’ll take Sheryl Crow over Britney or Christina and their ilk any day. If she chooses to dress like that it’s fine with me. I like most of her music, but why was she doing such a bland cover of a James Gang song on Daly’s little show. Crank it up, Ms. Crow!


She looks amazing. I agree with widdershins, I’d take her over Britney, Christina or Pink any day of the week. Good God, she looks fine, better than when she first came out.

Sheryl Crow looks terrific in my opinion. Her face looks much thinner than it used to be for some reason. I read that she does a lot of Yoga but I don’t think that would explain the face thing. I think as a women gets a little older that face changes shape a little! I’m not a big fan of her music, but she looks better than she did even 5 or 6 years ago.

Holy Crow, Batman!

I read the thread and tossed out a silly comment thinking she had dome a Jim Morrison or something. She looks the same, which is to say

MY-T-PHYN. :wink:

But seriously, I’ve been into her music since her second album and have been trying to convince my band that we should cover one of her songs. She’s a great musician, and she’s a bombshell, and she’s done a James Bond song, and from all accounts she’s a very good person too

and she plays the accordion fer cripes’ sake!

I might be a bit young for her taste, but I’d be honored to buy her a beer at least.

I have all of her albums-all three of them, and if she’s got a new one out, I have to have it-I’ve been a fan of Sheryl Crow since I was in 11th grade.

Let’s, see:

Tuesday Night Music Club
Sheryl Crow
The Globe Sessions.

She also did a killer cover of 5th Dimenion’s “One Less Bell To Answer” at a tribute to Burt Bacarach. I’d love to get my hands on a copy of that.

RE: Sheryl Crow’s face

i got something i wanna put in her face!:smiley:

“All I wanna do is have some fun…”

It makes the Baby Jebus incontinent.

Way back when she was making her first video (for All I Wanna Do) Crow originally planned on appearing in a short nightie. This idea was vetoed by record company executives who wanted her to project a different image. So her booty-shaking instincts were there all along.

As for changes in her facial appearance, Crow supposedly has cut back on her formerly heavy use of drugs and booze. So maybe her new look is just good health.

I liked a description I read of the abbreviated outfit she wore to the Grammy’s. One reviewer said it made her look like “a hooker, but an attractive hooker”.

In conclusion: Sheryl, if you’re reading this, call me.