Shocking list of terrorist sympathizers!

Oh, my side! It’s splitting!

Why should he be “tainted” at all, particularly or otherwise? If you want taint, look to John McCain’s tongue-firmly-planted-in-asshole partnership with Keating. They were actual buddies. That constitutes actual taint.

Yes. Damn it, it’s disgraceful and utterly unAmerican to allow former criminals to live their lives as productive members of society! Fuck Ayers for managing to rise above his crimes and lead an exemplary life of manifold achievements. And fuck Obama and the Democrats for not refusing to associate with him even if it meant avoiding some valuable, worthwhile organizations! Why, he’s even hoodwinked William C. Ibershof, the federal prosecutor who tried him!

Scary, isn’t it? How did the lefty commie pinko bastards get to this man?!!