Shodan and AClockWorkMelon

From a new thread in GD:

Shodan makes the same incorrect point he made in the earlier thread, even though I explained his error, and also manages to insult a woman whose feet he’s not worthy to lick. Hell – he’s not worthy enough to lick her dog’s feet.

I don’t “keep score” on Dopers, so often forget which ones of you are liberals, which ones are right-wingers, etc., and even end up whoooshed a lot. :smiley: But my subconscious has tuned in to the Doper named Shodan: He thinks he’s intelligent, but almost everything he says is incorrect. Not just incorrect in the sense of an uneducated imbecile, but incorrect like a guy who’s had 1 or 2 years of college, so thinks he’s erudite but is actually even more of a racist prick than the proverbial village fool. The really sad thing is this: I’d not be surprised if Shodan actually has an above-average I.Q.! Instead some bitterness or sexual frustration has left him so closed-minded that he appears to have a severe cognitive deficit.

I see him corrected frequently. He then goes silent (one imagines a dog slinking off tail between legs), and reappears in a new thread spouting the exact same vomitous tripe that was refuted ! His posts are so devoid of useful content, and have such twisted thinking, that for a while I thought he was just a “facetious” guy “whoooshing.” But I’ve never seen evidence of humor, or any likeable emotion, and am starting to feel sorry for the asshole. I hope he doesn’t read this message – I’ll guess he already hates himself enough.

There may be a few Dopers even stupider and more insolent than Shodan (though none come to mind), but they mostly have redeeming amusement value. Shodan is just a real drag.