Shoplifting seagull

I didn’t see this in a quick search, so…

Seagulls. Criminals. The lot of them!

Starlings work in gangs.


For a bird that has to constantly check it’s feet to see if it’s still on the ground* they are actually pretty clever when it comes to food.
*Seriously, watch some gulls that are just standing around on the beach or in a parking lot. They will frequently suddenly look down at their feet, either to reassure themselves that their feet are still attached or to make sure they are still on the ground. I used to amuse myself by coming up with internal dialogues for the gulls. It was really amusing when they would look at their feet at exactly the right moment.

Gull: Durpey, durpey, doo. OH MY GOD! I’M NOT FLAPPING, AM I FLYING OR ON THE GROUND! looks at feet Phew! Oh, on the ground. Okay, then. Doodley, doodley doo. OH MY GOD! MY FEET! WHERE DID THEY GO?! looks at feet Oh, there they are.

Okay, so I am easily amused sometimes.

Haha, I just saw this video the other day and think it’s great. What a smart bird!

I especially like how it walks in slowly and nonchalant…just browsing…nothing to see here…just window shopping…

then yoink! Run for the door, mwuhahahaha!!!