Shopping in parties of six adults is not cool

Here in Oklahoma the family tradition is to all the in/outlaws go to the pharmacy and all buy their [del]meth[/del] cold medicine one after the other.

My problem with the large shopping groups is that it doesn’t ever seem to occur to them to not string themselves out across the entire width of the mall concourse. And I’d be the bad guy if I just shoved some of them out of the way so I can get by their slowly strolling selves!

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Ok, but you should probably skip the sales on ‘ground chuck’. :eek:

Forget it Jake, it’s Chinatown!

Wassa matter, ain’t you never seen six people in love before?!


6 adults? That’s perfect for an adult shopping trip. It’s simple. One grabs vodka. The second gets whiskey. The third gets gin. The fourth gets rum. The fifth gets tequila (a fifth of it). The sixth gets brandy.

Hmm… a little flaw. What if you want bourbon AND scotch. And who will get the Cheetos?

Ordinarily I might not feel compelled to point out that you were ninja’d on this, but post #4 was very well done and deserves recognition.

It’s a social thing, a family outing. That’s not to say it doesn’t drive me crazy, too. The entire household empties out for their once a month shopping trip. NO. The rest of us have stuff to do!

I was once behind an elderly woman who, after her groceries were packed, took the cash register receipt and checked that each of her 93 items had been packed into the bags. Without moving from the checkout lane until I said “Could you please move it?”

That’s so they can all be on camera at once like the “Sex and the City” girls they are certain they are.

Or… what was that stupid series about a bunch of cowboys teleported to the future, in which the big moment each show was when they did the gunslinger step-out in a line?

So beware if they’re wearing Stetsons.

They’re like cattle. This weekend I spent some time at an outlet mall that was having sales, and there were herds of human cattle all over the landscape. Family pods of 4-8 [del]great lumbering behemoths[/del]people. Moseying over the sidewalks and through the aisles and doorways at less than 1 mph, taking up the entire traffic area with their mob, oblivious to all around them. Made me wish there were little herd dogs around, nipping at their ankles, keeping them in formation and out of my way.