Shots fired between Iraqi battalions; more indicators of a brewing civil war ?

This isn’t good.

That’s bad enough, but consider the implications of this :

If I wanted to create the conditions for a civil war, that’s what I’d do. Heavily armed and ethnically/religiously seperate ? Is there anyone who thinks this a good idea ?

It seems to me that we’ve ( and possibly the Iraqi government as well; I’m not sure who set things up this way ) created the worst of both worlds; we hold Iraq together, instead of letting or helping it split; at the same time, we let each potential faction have it’s own battalions. I agree with the Kurdish leaders; in a civil war, there won’t be an Iraqi army; just 3 premade factional armies. And they are already shooting each other.

:smack: Forgot the link : Link

You’re forgetting the fact that many Iraqis, government to civilian, might have objections to certain political parties holding power, but this in no way means they want the country divided into 3 seperate blocs, with the exception of the Kurds, but that’s a different story.

Erm, that’s the Peshmerga which operates solely within Kurdish territory, it’s not allowed to venture outside of that area. So that is irrelevant.

This is incorrect, the Sunni neighbourhood actually opposed Ministry of Interior troops from going in because of alleged affiliations with Paramilitaries, so instead wanted the Army to move into the neighbourhood to provide security, since they trusted them more.

Besides, this is just one version of what happened.

Here’s my link