Should Election Day Be a National Holiday?

I actually first heard this suggestion around the time of the infamous 2000 elections. And I liked it so much, I sent it to my senators in Washington (along with my suggestions for easier access to the polls for all people, and for the electoral college to be made more democratic).

So, should Election Day be a national holiday? (And for those of you who forgot, election day is the first Tuesday in November in the U.S.) Sure some people would just sleep in or stay home. That’s their prerogative. But for those serious about voting, it would give them a better opportunity to get the polls. And after all, alot of other things are national holidays. Christmas, for example, is a national holidays, and many people in the U.S aren’t even Christian.


It’s not hard to vote if you want to. Polls are open until 8 p.m. in all the states I know of. If you can’t manage that, you can request an absentee ballot and vote whenever you want in the month before election day.

And if someone can’t handle that, why do we want them voting in the first place?

Why not just move it to the weekend?

Just like nearly every other democracy in the free world. Weekend voting is where it’s at.

C’mon, this is America. Exactly what percentage of the population do you think is completely responsible, completely aware of all their options, and able to make critical decisions in a timely faction? (Excuse me, I have to laugh my butt off for 15 minutes or so…)

I’m all for it. In fact, I’d go a step further and enable same-day registration, and I’d make it possible online or even over the telephone.

Responsibility is a good thing, but the majority should be accommodated as well.

I’m for anything that gives me a chance to sleep in. I’d get up early, go vote, and crawl back into bed.

Same Day Voter Registration Was the One Reform That Improved Turnout in the 2000 Election

Hell, yeah! Even if I decide not to vote, it’s always great to have a day off work…

We really ought to vote on Sundays anyway. Got all those stupid blue laws on the books, might as well use them for good, right?

Veteran’s Day is a national holdiay, and how many non-government workers get that off? You’ll have a hard time conviincing the private sector to adopt another day off. I vote by mail every election and dispense with the whole going to the polls crap. I think that’s the real answer to the problem-- if there even is a problem.