Should I ask this girl out?

So, um, how you doin’?

What about a group activity? “Some friends from work are getting together to shoot pool tonight, you seemed like a cool person, I thought you might have fun hanging out with us.” If she doesn’t want to see you again, that’s something she can say no to without having to deal with the awkwardness of rejecting you personally. Or, if she did think you seemed friendly, it could be a nonthreatening way to see you again.

Yeah the age difference could be an impediment, and yeah, nothing will probably come of asking her out. But you can be damn sure nothing will happen if you DON’T ask her out!

I’ve been out of the dating scene for some time, but I don’t really see what the down side is to giving her one call. Just ask if she would be interested in going out for coffee. If she says no, never call her again. If she sounds upset, perhaps apologize and reassure her you didn’t mean to bother her and won’t call again.

You’ve already shown that you are a decent guy in that you didn’t just toss her ID in the trash, but made some effort to return it to her. And I don’t see this at all like a cableguy or delivery person who gets your phone number through the course of their job. You got her number as you were doing a decent human thing you didn’t need to do.

For all you know, she might be lonely, have trouble meeting nice people. Probably not, but you’ll never know if you don’t at least give it one phone call.

I actually kind of like this idea. The threatening level goes way, way down.

Or Option C, wherein she responds, “Cool! Will anyone my age be there?” :smack:

“Other than my kids from my first marriage?”

It’s is! But it has one flaw, and this one sucks. None of my friends plays pool. Or lives within 30 miles of me. We aren’t the kind of friends who do things like that. We just don’t socialize in that way.

Hey, wait. Another Dopefest?

I’m curious about the whole “way older guy / way younger girl” dating dynamic. I assume it is typically based on his wealth and her looks. Obviously, that’s a generalization, and I’m sure these couples frequently also connect over a mutual enjoyment over each other’s company. But doesn’t the relationship typically blossom (at least initially) because he drives a really expensive car, or has some other ostentatious sign of wealth? Or are there “mismatched” (in terms of age) romances that get started in the traditional way?

When I was 22, I lived with a 21-year-old friend and her 42-year-old boyfriend. He was a grad student in Duke’s religious studies department, a Sufi, and a know-it-all who dominated every conversation by turning it to discussions of Sufism. He was not especially wealthy (although I suppose he was wealthy compared to her peers): he lived in a ramshackle house that he could afford to live in only by having three roommates.

I never was able to figure out what kept that relationship ticking as long as it did.


“Hey, you’re that girl with the model body that tdn asked us how to ask out as friends, aren’t you?”

not awkward at all

He had an 11" schlong and knew how to use it.

Am I the only one thinking the only proper use for such a big thing is to keep it in your pants?

I’ve known 2 instances of it happening for reasons other than wealth. When my sister was in her early 20s she dated a guy in his 40s, who had a 14-year old daughter. And my ex married a guy 23 years her senior, with daughters 2 weeks older than her. (She’s still friends with the daughters, in fact.)

But I’m sure it’s rare.

That aside, really, I’m not trying to bang or date or marry this girl. I just want to get to know her. Honest!

At the time of the breakup, they hadn’t had sex in over a year. Probably that wasn’t it.


Well, meeting SDMB members would almost certainly lead her to the boards, at least to have a look around, which would in turn lead her to tdn’s posts…

Or it might have been.


Damn. The only old guys who have hit on me are in no way, shape or form wealthy. There goes my meal-ticket. :frowning:

you could:

  1. call her, ask her out
  2. do nothing
  3. e-mail her a link to this thread and ask her to post her thoughts…

From your perspective:

  1. How old is “old?”
  2. How wealthy is “wealthy?”
  3. How you doin’?


If your user name is OneCentStamp, I’m thinking you shouldn’t bother asking question three.