Should I circumcise my cat?

Actually I say penes. And occasionally, octopodes when I feel like baiting a challenge at the aquarium. I’m just a prick like that. :smiley:

I’ve heard “alter” used in a unisex manner.

I think they use the term spay because “kitty hysterectomy” doesn’t roll off the tongue quite so easily.

I am really confused. Is this a joke thread?

Did you mean “spay” your cat?

Is there even such a thing as female circumcision for a cat?


I would be fine with this if the singular was penius. Same with “virius” > virii.

How Sweet! I’ve been 90% noise here for 7 years and you’re still giving me the benefit of the doubt. :smiley:
Ya, it’s sort of a joke thread.

testis > testes
penis > penes
“A penis to plunder, a penis to push
'cause one in the hand is worth one in the bush”

You know, there are some circumcised male cats who, at a later age, decide that they want their foreskin back. There are procedures to accomplish this, or at least to approximate foreskin. I would suggest not circumcising your cat; when he’s older he can make that decision for himself.

Oh, your cat is actually female? I’d even more strongly suggest to leave her intact.

(But by all means have her spayed).

The most important thing is to remember to leave at least a 22% tip for the vet who performs the circumcision.

Actually, my kitties’ vet is Jewish. I must remember to ask her whether she provides this service.

And you’re not going to believe what it’s called.

This thread makes me smile.

It makes me smile too. But I am confused by all the posters who are confused.

It would be legen…wait for it…dary. “Why is there a bus in the back yard?” “Even better question - why is it full of parrots?”

There’s another device to restore foreskins to circumcised dogs. It’s called the Pug-Ahoy.

Which setting is that on the Cuisinart?

I’m just surprised that no-one has made the seemingly obligatory movie reference.

Damnit, Inigo, don’t you realize some of the clue-deprived are going to catch wind of this thread on Google and next thing we know we’ll have fanatical board-wars betweent pro- and anti- cat circumcision web communities?

By yourself?


fetches popcorn

Awesome. I always miss the cool fanatical message board web wars.

Has no one bothered to ask those who would be affected most by this…?

“Aaaaaaa-Roooooo!!! Hssssss!!! Sppppptttttt!!!” :smiley: