Should I e-mail this guy about this job or call?

Ok, I’m struggling with deciding this. I figure it’s because I’ve written a six page paper in three hours.

But anyway, in a professional organization newsletter I got yesterday, there was a job listing in the area. This job is at the university I attend, and while it’s a little lower than my previous positions, it’s one that would allow me to have income and continue to attend school full time - and pay for two of my classes each semester. The contact’s name and phone number were supplied in the newsletter, but his e-mail address is available through the e-mail system. I have written an e-mail, but before I sent it, I wondered if that was appropriate, since the newsletter specified phone calls.
The benefit of an e-mail is that it allows me to attach my resume, which makes it my preference. But which is the appropriate thing to do?

Call him/her and ask if it’s okay to e-mail your resume. Some places limit e-mails to those without attachments, to try to prevent e-mail virus infection. Then the contact person will actually look at your resume, since you gave him/her a heads up that you’re about to e-mail it. The appropriate course of action is to follow the instructions in the ad. If it says, “no phone calls please” there’s probably a reason for that and you should respect the request.

If the letter specified phone calls, call.

You can tell him you have a resume you’d be glad to e-mail or snail mail, whichever he’d prefer.

Like everybody else said, call him and ask if how he’d prefer you send the resume to him!

Call him or her. It’s local, so offer to personally deliver the resume’. Go for whatever immediate direct contact you can get. Go out of your way if it will help at all if you really want the position. It’s a small investment now for the desired return.

Email would be the second option. If so, be sure to ask what format. Maybe .txt is all they can accept. Snail mail is a distant third option.

Thanks, y’all.
I gave him a call and he had me e-mail it over.

consolid8, it’s not something that’s the ideal career for me - it’s in my old field, not what I’m in grad school for, but at the same time, it’s something I could do and do well while I am in school (partial tuition payment is another bonus, but not why I’d want it). I wouldn’t have wanted to walk the resume over there today - I’m not exactly dressed for something like that, hanging out in my grad student blue jeans and sweatshirt ;).