I normally get my hair cut pretty short (clippers at a 1 1/2 on the sides and back, about a 4 on top with scissors to finish it up.) But this past weekend when my head was screwed up pretty badly, I got to thinking…
What would it look like if I got my own barber clippers, set the blades on 2, and just did my entire head like that? I don’t trust myself to cut my hair two different lengths on my own. I’ll get lopsided results and I can’t judge the look based on two mirrors to see the back of my head.
I don’t think I’m asking what would I, Max Carnage, look like since most of you don’t know what I look like right now anyway. But what does hair cut all one length like that look like? And how easy is it to do? I figure as long as I’ve got the guide on the clippers I can’t screw up too badly as I run them over my entire head a few times.
Someone help me before I screw up my (practically non-existant) social life for good!
It’s very east to do, or at least I found it so. Just take your time and have somebody else check for trouble spots before you decide you’re done.
The trouble is, it’s a gateway haircut. Sure, you think you can just take it all down to 1/2 inch, and leave it there, but pretty soon the clippers are calling out to you and it’s 1/4 inch, then 1/8th, and within a few months you’re shaving every day or two.
Nah, Max Carnage, don’t DIY. Go to a barber shop (or another barber shop, from the sound of your OP). Short hair would be OK but I like it how it was, FWIW.
Go all the way. I did the plunge last summer and haven’t looked back. Take off the guard and introduce your hair to the metal. This way you can’t screw up unless you miss a spot. Call it a fashion statement or something then.
Using clippers to crop your hair down to the same length all over, it’s impossible to go wrong. Start off using a longer grade and run the clippers over your head, one section at a time, taking care not to miss any areas. If the resulting crop is still too long, repeat using a shorter grade until you find a length you’re comfortable with.
I crop my own hair down to micro-stubble, using clippers fitted with balding blades. Usually I prefer to follow up with a Mach3 razor and go down to bare skin. Now THAT I can recommend, although you might not wish to take things that far.
I keep mine trimmed somewhere between stubble and soft fuzz with a good clipper run every week. It saves money and time, especially on shampoo and such.
I got bored of my hairstyle a while ago and went to a grade 2 all over. I’d pretty much agree with most people’s views as expressed above. Especially those that recommended getting a friendly person to eyeball you before heading out - it’s easy to miss bits.
Unless your head is very misshapen or you are some sort of phrenologists nightmare, i don’t think the bumpy skull thing will be a problem. I have an interesting crease in my head - the result of a volatile mixture of a doorframe and youthful high spirits - and it’s not really noticeable beneath my grade 2.
Fringe benefits (OK, sorry) include the fact that clippers cost as much as one good or two bad haircuts, so save loads of cash in the long run, as well as time.
I did initially worry that i’d look threatening or that it would be unacceptable at work, but other than the dearly beloved nick-naming me “thug” it hasn’t made any difference.
I started shaving my own head with clippers about five years ago , and have never looked back since. It’s easy, tidy and cheap, and it makes me look way cooler than I really am.
Trouble is that you start off with the clippers and end up using the Mach Three and foam to get down to bare skin. Can’t say I’ve ever regretted it, and several ladies have said that it looks sexy
If you’re doing it yourself, use plenty of mirrors, and then get someone to check if you missed a spot. After a few goes, it gets so easy you can do it alomost by feel alone.
I’m torn. So far I’ve only seen one female response here (though it is Slainte, and that carries a lot of weight in my book ;)) and she’s not fond of it, yet most of the guys say go for it. You guys are trying to trick me out of the dating pool, aren’t ya?
I wish I new how to photoshop better. I’d see what I looked like before I did the deed.
Ah yeah, Tucker, I remember that thread. Don’t know why it didn’t come up in my search. When you shaved your head, how far did you take it? (my hair is never more than a little over an inch as it is) Did you take it to scalp, did you do multiple lengths, or just set for one setting and did the whole head that way?
Female-type person checking in here. I have to say it all depends, big help I know. At worst it’s gonna look like you had a bad case of lice and decided to start fresh. If all goes well, nobody will notice it’s a home made haircut. Personally, I like guys to have an actual haircut/style or shave it all. The peach fuzz route says he cares just enough to not care.
I cut my own hair. Often drunk. They have blending attachemnts you can put on the blade that go from 3 to 1, etc. I do long on top (several inches) blended to short on the sides. It’s been described as a Hitler Youth cut or a forties movie star cut (you can guess which time I had a little too much to drink before cutting). It’s easy, cheap, and if you screw up, you can’t tell in a week.
Man…I’m going to get a vasc. (I ain’t even gonna try to spell it) in a couple weeks, and if the person comes in to shave me has a name badge that sez NurseCarmen, my ass is outta there…
There should be a bit of a warning. The condition NurseCarmen mentioned in passing is a very real one, and can have serious consequences: if you posess clippers you will find that the drinking of alcohol produces a very strong urge to use them.