Should I take a 19 month old to a Wiggles concert?

Seconding Nutty Bunny in that an 18-month-old is far from an infant. I agree that the party you describe would be fun, but so is getting out and doing different things and being around different people. My 14-month-old is constantly surprising me with how much she understands, so don’t be so sure that a young toddler wouldn’t appreciate a new and interesting experience. I think she’d be beside herself with excitement.

I say take her! I think it would be fun!

Yes, I agree. My baby who saw the Wiggles when he actually was an infant is now 17 months old and I think he’d really enjoy seeing them again. When we go to street festivals and things like that that have live bands (especially the ones that play kids’ music), he has a ball clapping and dancing. It’s almost a better age than 3 or 4 because they’re so enthralled with everything and are less likely to do the love it one day/bored to tears with it the next routine.