Should the female partner be a "princess"?

BTW my dad was saying that the girl’s dad didn’t like it or something - and he didn’t say it was due to the age gap. I said that the girl seemed happy to talk to me on the phone - she’d just talk and talk and not say that she was busy.

You can’t go wrong treating your wife well.

Not putting them on a pedestal doesn’t mean you have to treat them like dirt…

I think it depends on how one defines “being a princess.”

My last pre-marriage girlfriend liked me because, in her view, I treated her like a princess. It wasn’t something I was consciously doing; it was rather that I was going out of my way not to treat her like shit, and she’d so often been treated like shit that her bar was really low.

And as I think on it, I don’t even object to the notion of each partner in a loving relationship treating the other as a prince/princess–if by that you mean “regularly affirming that one’s partner is the most important person in one’s life.”

Dude, you are an adult. Even if, at 12/13 you did feel the 9 year old had a “hot body”, you certainly wouldn’t now (right?). I understand that you are just expressing yourself, trying to be honest, but you have to admit you are odd. Saying stuff like the above isn’t helping this perception.

Real talk.

He said “year 9” not “9-year-old”. I read it that way at first too and was relieved when I reread it.

Ah, thank you. My apologies JohnClay.

I’m pretty hazy on why anyone of either sex would marry someone who didn’t treat them that way, frankly. If that means I expect to be a princess, I guess I’ll just be over here in my frilly dress and pointy hat with the streamers.

Try googling “princess syndrome”… I mean that kind of thing…

The female partner should be a princess. And like a princess she should poop in the corner into a pot.

We were watching TV and my wife said something like “I’m your princess”. I didn’t like the sound of that but decided to say “I’m your doormat”. She hit me and said “naughty”. I said “I’m your king” and she was pleased. (and so was I). She then said that I’m not a creep (like in the song by Radiohead that we heard on the radio the day before).

Hey, if your wife is getting uppity, just remind her that she’s a 5 out of 10 at best.

In some very flattering photos she looks like about a 7 or 8…