Should "They Were Asking For It"-style rape denial be a moddable offence?

You want a special rule? How about allowing rape victims to say EXACTLY what they feel about what a rape apologist says in ANY forum. C’mon, let us tell the shitbird chickenshit assholes who have opinions on things they only know about from the other side exactly what we think of what they think. That seems pretty fair because as it is they can JAQoff anywhere they like with their disgusting opinions and all we can do to fight back is to ask the mostly older male mod squad to do something about it and the results tend to be…inadequate.

I don’t understand the getting angry, pissed off and feeling hateful towards other members. Their views on some subjects might disgust me but I will not expend that much emotional energy in trying to mind fuck someone by telling them how hateful and unwanted they are here.

That might be because they didn’t tell YOU that you were asking for it when you got raped. Just saying.

It’s very easy for some people to be nonchalant about something that happens to someone else in a group that you do not belong to.

Right and My comments were in response to a side conversation about the relevance of the pit, I failed to reply quote. Not throwing any groups under the stone cold bus.
:raised_hand: :raised_back_of_hand:

Did you also fail to see the mod note?

Apparently so

You didn’t think that post was an attack on another poster in the thread?

Because it sure looks like one to me.

You didn’t even think it was being a jerk to another poster? I’m flabbergasted.

It occurs me that telling people that they were responsible for their own rapes to be “attacking someone over deep personal trauma”. But maybe that’s just me. Even in the Pit the behavior at question seems to be a violation already without having to change any rules.

This is why I don’t think shutting down the Pit would do any good. Some people think because you aren’t allowed to use insults, everything will be just fine. That’s not true. If anything, I’ve seen far more offensive things posted outside of the Pit than I ever have inside.

We’ve seen posters who were just as hateful and disgusting outside of the Pit and STILL manage to stay inside the rules, or at least avoid being banned. So I don’t think getting rid of it would do any good.

(I don’t know about you, maybe I’m nuts, but I’d a million times rather be called a “bitch” or told to “go fuck a cactus” than to read some of the hateful, misogynist crap that has infested this place over the past few years. I think THAT’S driven far more people away than anything else. YMMV. And yes, I’m aware bitch is misogynist – it’s simply the first insult that came to mind. Point is, I’d rather be called names than read posts from rape apologists and incels)

Ditto for the racist stuff. It’s gotten better, but we’re by no means clear of it yet.

Yes and yes again.

Right - it’s not the use of “polite” words that makes something right or wrong or that exceeds the “won’t let them asshats get to me” threshold under the Reasonable Person standard. That has been always the case in ANY discussion venue.

At best, forcing them to use words suited for public use and complete sentences helps make it clear when something not just ignorant but hateful is expressed. Which then should be addressed as such.

It is jerkish, but in this case we have such a rule to point to. Each member of the board agreed to this provision during registration (boldface mine):

Rape is a form of harm, therefore members are not allowed to state or imply that any individual or group is deserving of rape.

ETA: Mods have leeway to grant exceptions to the rule in topics like capital punishment or war (mentioned in the rules), or perhaps even in the case of jokes and/or public figures, but it is definitely a violation to imply that a fellow board member deserves to be raped.


Any update on this, it being “tomorrow” already?

Not yet. :frowning:

I await with interest.

I await with trepidation and fear . . . 'cause we’ve been here before and the solution was worse than the problem.

I checked, should be tonight.

Post is here: I Pit Split_p_j - #288