Should we Mourn the death of Olivia de Havilland


…I am proud to serve. We live for the one, we die for the one.

do you get elected? is there a process? how does it work?

How y’all decide if an actress in racist movie ok, but say a producer of the same movie isn’t? just curious

So what is your opinion on your own topic?

And here I thought this thread was going to be “Should we mourn the death of Olivia de Havilland, since after all we’ve all got to go some time, and 104 is a pretty good showing in the Not Dying Olympics. Go Liv!”

That would have been a more interesting thread.

Yes she was a wonderful actress, strong female role model, and did a lot for other actors in the studio system.

Way to waffle. :roll_eyes:
How about answering the questions you raise in your on OP?

Yet, bringing up the horribly racist movie she was in, seems to cause trouble

The United States of America is a horribly racist country. Why are we mourning the recent death of one of its representatives?

I was writing it, give me a minute

10 bucks to anyone who answers the Elia Kazan question.

Let’s cut to chase here. “Gone with the Wind” is a “racist” movie, Olivia de Havilland participated in a racist movie. Therefore Olivia de Havilland is a racist.

Surely we can not control our mourning. We are either sad or not sad. Personally I am not sad. Why? Because I have no idea who she is beyond what’s been written in this thread. I would expect someone else who is familiar with her works and has been moved by her performances would feel sad and would mourn her passing.

It’s been an interesting conversation so far but I would have never thought of this corollary.

Well said, I don’t mean to speak ill of the dead.

Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

A great many movies being made today that pass political muster won’t in half a century.

Cant really argue with that.

So…is that a yes or a no on your own “Should she be acknowledged by at the Oscars?” OP question?