Hi I’m sick and that is my only excuse but
I just did a save as file**** in Excell instead of opening the file and now I have saved over the top of it and don’t know how to get it back or even if I can get it back at all. Lots of work down the gurgler if I cant.
Where is the file saved? On a network drive at your place of work, or on your local hard drive at home?
on my laptop at home.
so far I have tried S2 recovery tools for Excel - it finds two previous versions of the file but wont let me recover them. Perfect file recovery (for which I paid $60 panicked bucks) which find 1 previous version and guess what - says “you have recovered file blah blah” but the folder I recovered into is empty.
This is my personal stuff. no jobs on the line. just too many hours i cant bear doing over but it is looking like i will and I feel like crap physically
This free utility may help: Download Recuva | Recover deleted files, free!
I use it at work all the time to “undelete” files our users accidentally lose.
oh my god something worked! I have (most of) my file
and as I am typing this I just realised I could have got a copy off CrashPlan :smack: and saved myself hours and cash.
file is now backed up out the wahzoo.
Thank you to those who responded.
How did you get it back?
used the expensive one. did a 3 hr deep scan. found a version from the 14th Aug that wasn’t too borked. recovered, added excel file extension and glory be it worked. Ok just maybe it was worth the $60
I’m glad to hear that it worked out in the end!
For the future, I would strongly encourage you to get some kind of incremental backup system that can save multiple versions of files. On my office server, I actually have two running at once - SpiderOak(for cloud storage off site) and Windows Server Backup (for a more complete and faster on-site recovery). That way, if any file is damaged I can at least recover the version from the end of the day when it was last changed.