Move along, nothing to see here.
Maybe this time.
It was there the first time, too…
I liked your old one, the one quoting whatshisname from Futurama.
For the record, I started using that line back in '98, a year before Futurama debuted. I believe the writers were quoting me.
Refresh my memory, here… What was the old quote?
I guessing it probably wasn’t “Bite my shiny metal ass.”
Somehow “Sweet Zombie Jesus” doesn’t sound right either …
“Oh no! I should do something…but I am already in my pajamas.”
Hm, that’s not the one I was thinking of. Weren’t you the one who had " … that’s the wonder of being a scientist!" in his sig?
No, sorry.
I have never even watched a full episode of the series. Don’t like the Simpsons much either…
Well slap my snout. I must have the wrong Dr. :o
Sorry again for the mixup, Dr. Fidelius. In the interests of closure, the doc I was thinking of is Doc Cathode, who’s sig is