Silly laws

Well, in the state of Florida, any sexual act that isn’t missionary sex is considered to be sodomy, and, of course, sodomy is illegal. Essentially, most of the people I’m friends with have broken the law through this rule. It’s silly.

I’m not sure why it would be embarassing, since it’s an extremely common, widespread and mainstream practice. The officers arresting you most probably have performed it, or had it performed on them, possibly just the night before, and it’s a same for the judge, your neighbors who noticed you were arrested, etc…

So, no, it would be totally silly, but absolutely not embarrassing.

In Kentucky it is illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket. This law comes from the early 20th Century, when a common method for stealing horses was to put some sweet food in your pocket and walk up to a horse. After that, you just walked away and the horse would follow you while trying to lick the food.

No law in the state of Florida makes the claim you describe.

  • Rick

Just because they’ve done it doesn’t mean you’re not embarrassed with them WATCHING you do it.

Me, if I get caught with someone’s lips 'round my jimmy, I’m gonna be very quite sincerely embarrassed.

A guy got done here in Aus a couple of years back for being over .05 (legal BAC) and driving a camel. Oh, and it was in the outback too…not exactly a danger to anyone else around, apart from the 'roos and the emus I s’pose.

Apparently it is still ‘the law’ for taxi’s (of the automobile kind) to carry a shovel in the boot of the car…as a throwback to when taxi’s were of the horsedrawn kind and the shovel was needed to scoop up the shit deposited by said horse.

Hee hee. Here in Wisconsin you can’t harass squirrels, which I think is defined as causing them emotional stress. My question is, how do you tell when a squirrel is emotionally stressed? I mean, are there little squirrel psychiatrists out there? Do use couches or piles of leaves?

Here’s one that doesn’t make sense. You only have to be 18 to bartend, yet you have to be 21 to drink. It is illegal to drink while tending bar, yes. Isn’t this sort of like the “you have to be 21 to vote, but only 18 to be in the military” thing? Is Wisconsin the only state like this or are there others?

You are not allowed to bath in a bathing suit --Pennsylvania

Oral or anal sex is strictly prohibited–MIlitary U.S.

Silly string is not allowed to be used in the streets–Michigan

I have a feeling that a lot of these laws are purposeful funny interpretations of legitimate laws. Take for example a routine law in Kansas:

From KSA 2-201.
From this, I can say that Kansas makes it unlawful for schools to hold beauty pagents for cows. This is technically true, isn’t it?

You’ll notice that none of those “silly law” websites ever actually list the place where the law can be found? Why not? All laws are written down somewhere. So either they’re just flat out making these things up or they don’t want you to know what the law really says…just their funny interpretation of it.

Sorry I don’t have a cite for this–I heard it a long time ago–but supposedly in Kentucky there is a law that a “female” wearing a bikini may not get within 40 yards of a highway unless said female is accompanied by an escort. Or unless she is a horse.

My home town of Stockton CA has a law that all couples dancing must do so in a manner that would allow light to pass between them.

I read that there was a law in Massachusetts that it is illegal to put pants on your goat. I see how this can be a huge problem.

I also believe that it is illegal to get a tatoo in the MA. We were on vacation there and had to drive up to New Hampshire to get my friend a tatoo.

Same here in California.

I see nothing at all wrong with that law. Silly string is nasty stuff.

I was in Chester (England) for the weekend and I was informed that it was still a ‘law’ that if a Welshman is found inside the walls of the city after 11.00pm at night, it is legal to cut his head off with a sword.

Not sure if you could us it as a defense though. :wink:
Damn those Welsh, roaming the countryside terrorising people with their close-harmony singing…

And I heard somewhere that on Sundays, every able-bodied man in England must practice with his Longbow for a min. of 2 hours.

This was true, but the law was changed in 2000. The Board of Health has to license the operator and the recipient must be over the age of 18.