Since when does Rush Limbaugh get to call Bonnie Rait and the Boss "drug addled"?

Frank Zappa. And quite the pain in the butt about it, according to legend. To be fair, he had nothing against drugs in a general sense, just didn’t like them, He didn’t much care what his sidemen did, for instance. Straight or high, you miss a note and its your ass.

Hijack? Whaddaymean hijack? We’re talking Zappa here…

Ol’ Frank did his part to encourage people to get out an vote, too. (Remember that poster with him in Uncle Sam garb with an oversized pencil and ballot?)

I think it’s safe to say that he’d be on the Rock for Change bill, too.

Miss that man.

So you think Arnold’s political activities in California are inappropriate? Or Heston’s activities with the NRA?

I can understand that you prefer certain artists not mix their art with their politics (although I find your boundary as to which artists can do this to be rather arbitrary), but I still don’t get that it’s somehow wrong or inappropriate. It’s like saying only movies that are romatic comedies are appropriate but movies that are political are wrong.

I think Charlie Watts and Bill Wyman (ex) of the Rolling Stones would fit in that category as well.

You’re sounding more like a fucking moron every day.

You’re trying to say that you didn’t say it was inappropriate, only that some people perceived it was inappropriate, and that you agreed with those people. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Furthermore, even in your semantic game, you’re still lying. You said:

Nowhere in that post did you attribute such feelings to other people. You presented them explicitly as your own.


I bet the guy who says Bruce should stay out of politics has no problem at all when Pat Boone or someone says “god bless the President.”

This is especially stupid when these concerts are clearly labeled as political. Someone doesn’t like it, they don’t have to show up. I bet they get a few dozen people attending at least.

BTW, I just got the 1964 Dylan Halloween concert bootleg. The audience sure didn’t seem to mind when he did John Birch Society Blues. There were a lot of people who minded more when he got less political.

And by the way, SA - the fourth movement of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony is political. Shame on you, Ludwig von.

Or when Toby Keith or Charlie Daniels say “blah blah blah drool flag good.” :rolleyes:

I don’t think he cared for the whole drug culture, though.

Isn’t it just a tad bit presumptuous of you to declare that these people are trying to get people to emulate them because they’re ‘cool and good looking’ instead of using ideas to persuade them?

Just for the record:

  1. I am generally conservative.

  2. I think Limbaugh is an idiot.

  3. I love the work of Raitt and Springsteen, and don’t begrudge them their politics one iota. Especially at a plainly-labeled Political Concert.

Ehhhhh… This is the way I see it.

There are all kinds of artists. I’m an artist. My artwork is generally non-political. (Portrait drawings and Yosemite photography, for starters.) If a bunch of people came to see my artwork and then asked me to speak about my artwork and I spouted off about a lot of political (or religious, etc.) stuff, then they’d be mighty pissed at me. They’d resent me. They’d think I was a moron. They don’t give a shit how I feel about politics, they are interested in hearing me talk about my artwork and issues related to it. So, in that context, yes, I can see how me spouting off (even though I have every right to do so) could be resented.

If I call a press conference (yeah, like that will happen) and I want to use my “Big Name” (yeah right) to preach something “profoundly important” to my “fans” (yeah right again), then, it depends. The fans can listen or not, but many of them are going to think, “Who gives a shit what you think about this political issue? You’re a Yosemite photographer, what makes you think you know more than any of the rest of us, or that you have any special enlightenment?”

On the other hand, if I am politically active, my work has a political element to it, then by all means, my opinions are relevant to my work. It would all mesh. It would be part of who I am as an artist, and anyone who admired my work would expect me to have strong opinions and make a point of letting everyone know.

Not to say that I can’t have strong political opinions and still be a Yosemite photographer and portrait artist. It’s just that I shouldn’t expect anyone to care, or treat me as if I’ve got any edge on the truth or any special insight. And if I act as if my voice should be heard more, because I’m, y’know, this awesome artist (yeah right), then I’m being a twit. And if others pretend that because I’m an artist that somehow I should be heard more, or that my opinion carries more weight because of my talents, then they are deluded as well.

Getting back to Rush Limbaugh—I also have a really hard time believing that he made such a slam against another drug user. I suppose it could be true, but if it is (depending on the context), it is a pretty assinine and insensitive thing to do. Very tacky.

I definately want to live my life by how SA thinks things are SUPPOSED to be.

Tell me: what do you think many singers fucking sing ABOUT, dumbass?

Natalie Portman’s nipples have been endorsing Kerry pretty vociferously lately.

I’m all for that.

I have a theory about this.

Who does Rush speak for? It’s simple: look at the demographics.

It’s been a while since I last tuned in, but as I recall, Rush speaks for the shut-ins, cranks, and mouth-breathers who can afford to be on hold for two hours during the middle of the working day.

He speaks for those who have major skin problems (“Mr. Cletus Mugwump of Opalocka, Florida says: ‘After a hard day of grubbin’ stumps, mah ass itched like a bastard. Thass why ah use Gold Bond” Powder’").

He speaks for people who actually believe that they can get in on the ground floor in oil futures/ internet kiosks and other get-rich-quick schemes (sometimes called “dolts”).

He speaks for those who can’t read (“Hooked on Phonics”).

Who does Rush speak for? My money’s on illiterate losers with itchy butts.

<hijack> I read somewhere that both Jennifer Lopez and Charisma Carpenter have people on set they pay specifically to pinch their nipples in order to keep them hard. How, exactly, does one get that job? And, how would that look on a resume?</hijack>

And then there was that other Hollywood actor…Ron…um, …Ronny…Ron…uh, whatsisname, who got into politics in a biggish way…

Pretty presumptuous of him eh Starving?

Mr. Goose, meet Mr. Kettle.

And Apos can’t be bothered to link to a transcript of the alleged event?

MrManfrengenfrensen, well, insofar as I can recall, I never brought up the names of Arnold and Heston. Since you did however, I will state again something I’ve said on these boards several times before. I have no quarrel with any entertainer who is willing to get on board and work to affect the changes they are passionate about or want to have an influence over. If they are willing to hire on and be a spokesperson such as Heston did, or if they are willing to forego their cushy lifestyle, income and much of their fame to run for and take office in order to affect change, that’s just peachy with me. In fact I think it’s exactly what they should do. What I have a problem with is celebrities trying to use their “star power” to get impressionable people to think the way they do just be dint of their wonderfulness as a star. It’s easy and it’s cheap. It requires no down and dirty commitment on their part, no hard work, and no real sacrifice.

I would have a lot more respect for Babs or Linda or Rob if they actually ran for some office and tried to work for change that way, than by simply forking over thousands and thousands of dollars and going on television blabbing about things they know nothing about and hoping to have an effect simply because they’re so wonderful and everybody should want to be like them, which is what they’re really saying.

mhendo, you fucking putz! Between the two of us, I really doubt that I’m the moron. Nor am I a liar, you reading-impaired, mentally-challenged imbecile. If you can manage to find your way back to my original post in this thread, you’ll see I was trying to explain why so many people in general object to celebrities spouting off about politics without seeming to find other entertainers such Limbaugh, Hannity, et al. to be guilty of the same. I explained it, and my explanation related to the large number of people who find it objectionable, not just myself (although I would indeed be one of them, as I openly said).

What an utter idiot you are. Try getting the facts next time before you go spouting off, calling names and revealing your own ignorance, which is after all what we’re supposed to be fighting here.

Marley23, even though you were talking to Voyager, I will say that I also have no problem with an entertainer incorporating their beliefs into their work. That is, if Linda Ronstadt wanted to record a song singing the praises of Michael Moore, I would find it much less objectionable than I would if she were addressing a concert audience or giving a speech. People can then choose to listen to it if they want and they know in advance what they’re getting. And for some reason, there seems to be less of the know-it-all, you-should-do-it-because-I’m-so-cool/beautiful/talented/whatever type of attitude conveyed when it’s done that way. It’s a more upfront and honest way of going about it.

Apos, show me where I indicated you or anyone else should live their lives according to how I think things should be.

Bizzwire, please see above for my (oft-repeated) stance on celebrities running for office.

I think some people haven’t got a clue, even when they’re tapping their feet to it. Lenny Kravitz thinks so, too.

Uh, and Apos, since you’re back – are you ever going to elaborate on what you heard or read that motivated you to post this thread?

Oh, it’s much scarier than that. My father is a retired CIA executive with a genius level IQ. He’s good-looking, sociable, very intelligent…and a Rush fan. No, he doesn’t think, “I don’t agree with everything he says, but he’s pretty entertaining and comes up with a few good points every once in awhile.” He actually agrees with 90% of Rush’s spew. He also only watches Fox News (has hated Dan Rather and The Washington Post with a passion for as long as I can remember) and I can’t even vaguely criticize Bush or speak positively about someone not in the Republican administration without getting into a huge, heated, very unfriendly “debate” with him. It’s very worrisome. I’m sure he finds it equally worrisome that he raised such a lefty kid.

My God, I think we’re brothers! :smiley:

You mean you and my dad? Or you and me? If it’s you and me, I’d be happy to be your virtual sister! :slight_smile: