Single Dad Sitcom With No Help

Actually, he pronounced it “Wo!” I never watched the show, but I watched enough ABC to see the promos. Every frakking week, the promo would feature a tight closeup of JL turning to the camera and saying “Wo!” That’s why I never watched the show.

Um… isn’t he married to Maude?

She up and died.

Not just “died” but UP and died!

Good Lord, that would be the most deranged sitcom ever …

So he was asking “Where?” in German?

Arrested Development. Sure, there was other family around, but you’d be pretty hard pressed to argue that they ever helped anything.

You would think “died and UP” would be a better construction for a Flanders.

Would “Full House” count? I know Bob Saget’s character had two guys living there with him and his 3 daughters as well (Dave Coulier and John Stamos characters) but he was a widowed father on his own. I recall John Stamos’ character got married and they had kids of their own, but don’t recall whatever happened to Dave Coulier’s character on the show.

Well he mentions full house when he says:

GM had one more parent than Maeby did. :stuck_out_tongue:

In the 70s there was a short-lived drama called Sunshine, about a widower folk musician trying to raise his 5-year-old daughter. It could be argued that his fellow band members helped a little.

Silver Spoons

Actually, based on her trajectory, I’d say she DOWN and died.

How generous of that network to promote the competition, considering the show was on NBC.

All right, then, NBC. I wish I didn’t have any memory of the show.

Well I have lots of memories of the show that I wish I didn’t have (my sister was a pre-teen when the show started so if I wanted to watch Fresh Prince of Bel-Air I was screwed), so I question the “Wo!” thing as well.

Him saying “Wo!”, as opposed to “Whoa!”, doesn’t make any sense what-so-ever. He’s surprised. “Whoa!” is a pretty common explanation of surprise.

Plus, I couldn’t get any hits on Google with “Blossom” and “Wo”. Plenty of hits with “Whoa” though.

Oh, and to prove how little help the father had, I remember the mother on Blossom ditched her family to go be an out-of-work dancer in Paris and how every character (except Blossom, except when her mother ditched her again) thought that was selfish. For all it’s faults, Blossom was the anti-dumb husband/father show.

He meant “Whoa!” but he pronounced it “Wo!”

I say again, huh? How are those two words not pronounced exactly the same?

Empty Nest had a widower doctor “raising” his two adult daughters and a big dog.

'Cause they’re not, that’s all. The Keanu “Whoa…” is an expression of awe, pronounced on an exhale, with the “wh” blend given emphasis. The Joey Lawrence “Wo!” is an expression of barely contained excitement, almost a squeal. It’s from the larynx, a compression of the first consonant and the long “o” sound; no time for the blend or the trailing “a”. I tried to find a YouTube clip, but I can’t.

That’s already more time than I should have spent on this, so if you still can’t hear it the way I hear(d) it, you just can’t.