I have been working on an App that translates pictures into “Music” (see this thread. And bldysabba commented that my App would be perfectly suited for blind people.
I haven’t found good information about what is needed to prepare my App so it can be used by blind people. Google Play doesn’t help either (as far as I can tell): they don’t seem to have tags for apps that have facilities for people with disabilities.
Does anybody know where I could find info on these topics?
[li]W3C - Mobile Web Application Best Practices[/li][li] W3C - Relationship between Mobile Web Best Practices (MWBP) and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)[/li][li] W3C/WAI Mobile Accessibility[/li][li] Apple - iOS Human Interface Guidelines[/li][li]Android Accessibility Guidelines[/li][/ul]
Mobile apps accessibility is still shaking out.
IMHO, when OMB (Office of Management and Budget) and DOJ (Department of Justice) finally get their acts together and start applying internal federal government accessibility requirements (Section 508) to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), then things will change across the board. Both have been threatening to do so for the past couple of years. There probably will not be any movement until after the Section 508 Refresh is implemented late this year or early next year.
Thanks! I’ll look into it.