Sitting Bull + Biscuits = BFF!

Is there any way to find out whether Sitting Bull had a taste for biscuits? Is there perhaps a journal he left behind for the archivists that says something like, ‘Today I ripped General Custer a new one, and then I had a biscuit.’ Thank you.

Many biographies for Sitting Bull exist on the Web, including these: (brief) (extensive)

Though I have not read them all, none of the ones I have read have mentioned biscuits at all. I would suggest that you read the biographies, as well as search google or contact a research librarian at your local library.

I doubt, however, history has recorded this detail.

May I ask why it’s such a burning question?

This evening, I brought a brown sugar biscuit home from a BBQ place on 2nd Avenue. When my friend D.B. Bogangles and I got back, there was a long wait for the elevator. We live on the 11th floor, so I gave her my biscuit for safe keeping, and attempted to outrun the elevator up the stairs. When we were finally reunited, D. B. Bogangles handed me the biscuit and said, “Here’s your biscuit, chief.” There was then a brief conversation about whether that phrase had ever been uttered before, and the theory was that it probably had, provided that Chief Sitting Bull liked biscuits.

Thus we learn that sometimes the mystery is better than the answer… :smiley:

I think it’s pretty safe to say that such a phrase has been uttered before, assuming any Indian chief anywhere had like biscuits, or that Perry White had ever had breakfast with Jimmy Olsen.

my neighbor’s wife said that to him last week, just before she poured hot sausage gravy in his lap

Also, let’s not forget fire chiefs and police chiefs (the latter of whom are probably constantly being brought food by underlings on the job.)

I doubt if police chiefs eat many biscuits, unless they are filled with jelly, or chocolate frosted with sprinkles on top.

I’ll also bet that a lot of Navy Chief Petty Officers like biscuits.

Horror novelists cum corporate biscuit physicians may be introduced as biscuit chief:

Halifax Today

And let’s not forget any British fire chiefs or CPOs, who likely eat biscuits with their afternoon tea.

I am a retired Navy Chief and I like biscuits. Mystery solved.

but have you ever been served?

I suggest this is a bit of a non-sequitir. Really, how many people dislike biscuits? I’m Chief Sitting Bull was easygoing about his choice of foods and other aspects of life.

Biscuits Chief?
Yeah, I like biscuits doncha know.
Yeah, hoss style, dog style. It’s all good.

I’m going to make a point of saying “Here’s your biscuit, chief” to someone at work this week.

Well, my jackboots are at the shoe repair shop, so let’s just move this question over to MPSIMS where it can continue.

I used up all of my “close this thread” cards yesterday and am waiting for this weeks shipment in the mail.

samclem GQ moderator

Yes, Sitting Bull loved biscuts! In fact, biting into once once, he was overwhealmed with vivid memories of his childhood: the near-erotic doting of his mother, the culitvated mannerisms of the petit-nobility and the bourgeois, with a stong undercurrent of homosexual longing, all in a stream of conscience; alternately a pean of remorse and an affirmation of life.

Which of course confused the old Sioux batshit, so re-interpereted the vison to mean “kill all the white soldiers”

Here in the South, the love of biscuits (esp. with gravy, for breakfast), along with the number of small family-owned down-home restaurants, almost guarantees that the phrase “Here’s your biscuit, chief” has been spoken many times.

Customer is the chief of police or chief of the fire department:“Here’s your biscuit, chief.”

Customer is not the chief of police or chief of the fire department: “Here’s your biscuit, sugar.”

I always get “Here’s your biscuit, Hun.” Who do they think I am, Attila?

It’s occured to me that perhaps what is being said is “Here’s your Biscuit Chief”. Maybe it’s the head biscuit being proffered as a token of fealty to our breakfast overlord. The lowly workaday biscuits are given to others not so worthy.