Six and the City

Was watching Sex and the City the other night and there were a couple of references to apartments such as “a classic six” or a “pre-war six”. What’s a six? Any idea what they’re going for today? Trying to put some of the NYC references in context.


WAG-- Six rooms?

I couldn’t find a definition, but a google and altavista search yielded a lot of apartment adds. They all seemed to be fairly large, with 2-5 bedrooms and seemingly a lot of closets. Not alot of help, I know, but if you run a more thorough search than I did, you’ll probably find something.

I assume it refers to six rooms. As for which six rooms, my completely non-knowledgeable WAG is that instead of a kitchen/dining combo or a living/dining combo (along with four other rooms) a “classic six” might have a separate dining room which could be used for a dining room or anything else. But, again, I actually have no idea—it sounds good though! :wink: