Six Letter Feud [Closed]

Hello, Fellow Feudies! It’s a blast from the past! Does anyone remember the rules? Are there any new [del]fish[/del] players around who might be interested in playing?

Here are the rules.

**1. DO NOT READ THIS THREAD BEFORE YOU POST YOUR ANSWERS**, lest you see the other answers. Scroll really fast to the bottom, or hit "end" on your keyboard. We play by the honor system. There is a chance you won't get in the game after it's gone to two pages, it's just the way it goes. There is typically a lot of chatter posts that aren't answer posts, so give it a shot anyway!

**2. Object of the game: Try to think of the most popular answer,** to get the most people matching you. Google is allowed, if you desire. Only answers that are "serious" will be scored.  Joke answers will not be considered, as it is not fair to other players.

3. Formatting rules:

If they are not followed, your answers will be **DISQUALIFIED**.

1. answer
2. answer
3. answer
4. answer

Make your list look like the one above.  No double spacing. No periods (except for the one following the number.) No quote marks, no punctuation if it is not necessary!  No smilies! No extraneous bullshit is allowed.  If you feel you must qualify your answer, do it **AFTER THE LIST**!  

The reason this is so important is because I cut and paste all the answers, and I have to edit each answer to make them identical.  It is a lot of work, so please make it easier on me.  Thanks.

Scoring - Any answer duplicated by anyone else is worth 100 points divided by the number of entrants. For example: 50 entrant game = 2 pts per answer. If 4 people match that means they each get 8 pts for that answer.  No matches = 0 points.

The game will end when we have 50 entrants. I'll score as fast as time will allow. I'm at a slow spot at work.
Good luck!

**Read the rules!**

Six Letter Feud

"Then shalt thou count to six, no more, no less. Six shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be six. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to six. Five is right out! Once the number six, being the sixth number, be reached, then"... the answers shall be writ! 
1. A mammal that is not a common pet.
2. A part of the human body.
3. A masculine name
4. A feminine name
5. An item in your home
6. A cold blooded animal
7. A food or drink
8. A plant
9. something that is worn
10. an adjective
  1. Donkey
  2. finger
  3. Thomas
  4. Rachel
  5. Mirror
  6. Lizard
  7. Martini
  8. Catnip
  9. Jacket
  10. little
  1. Monkey
  2. Finger
  3. Robert
  4. Angela
  5. Toilet
  6. Lizard
  7. Coffee
  8. Cactus
  9. Jacket
  10. Stinky

Yay! The Feud is back! Thank you, Dolores!

  1. Coyote
  2. Tongue
  3. Andrew
  4. Rachel
  5. Washer
  6. Lizard
  7. Banana
  8. Flower
  9. Jacket
  10. Stupid

How many martinis had you had when you were counting the letters in it? :slight_smile:

More importantly, thanks for bringing this back! I’m sure I will do as horribly as I always used to.

  1. Monkey
  2. Tongue
  3. George
  4. Amanda
  5. Toilet
  6. Turtle
  7. Coffee
  8. Cactus
  9. Jacket
  10. Smelly

Crap. I can’t count!

Glad to do it! I was bored at work.

  1. Lion
  2. Arm
  3. Butch
  4. Lacy
  5. Hairbrush
  6. Snake
  7. Hamburger
  8. Fern
  9. Jacket

I was glad to see this game today! I’ve missed them. Also, I suck at these.

  1. weasel
  2. tongue
  3. Steven
  4. Martha
  5. toilet
  6. lizard
  7. coffee
  8. cactus
  9. sandal
  10. hungry

Moved to Thread Games.

Oops!, Sorry, Colibri.

  1. Coyote
  2. Finger
  3. George
  4. Sharon
  5. Carpet
  6. Lizard
  7. Coffee
  8. Tomato
  9. Jacket
  10. Better


  1. donkey
  2. wiener
  3. Robert
  4. Gloria
  5. carpet
  6. lizard
  7. coffee
  8. cactus
  9. gloves
  10. little
  1. monkey
  2. finger
  3. Thomas
  4. Brenda
  5. carpet
  6. lizard
  7. coffee
  8. ginger
  9. jacket
  10. lovely
  1. Llama
  2. Elbow
  3. Victor
  4. Amanda
  5. Stereo
  6. Lizard
  7. Coffee
  8. Cactus
  9. Undies
  10. Hungry
  1. beaver
  2. finger
  3. Robert
  4. Rachel
  5. toilet
  6. lizard
  7. potato
  8. violet
  9. jacket
  10. little
  1. jaguar
  2. finger
  3. Thomas
  4. Ashley
  5. toilet
  6. lizard
  7. burger
  8. carrot
  9. jacket
  10. chilly
  1. monkey
  2. finger
  3. Robert
  4. Olivia
  5. carpet
  6. lizard
  7. burger
  8. flower
  9. jacket
  10. little
  1. donkey
  2. finger
  3. Thomas
  4. Angela
  5. mirror
  6. lizard
  7. cookie
  8. cactus
  9. jacket
  10. stupid

YAY! Thanks for doing this Rebo!