Skin and water

Just wondering…

Can you absorb water through your skin? I’m guessing not but I’m not sure.

Sure, some. Not like an amphibian, but yes, human skin can absorb a little water.

The amount would be immeasurable. Thee’s just no pathway fo water form your skin into your bloodstream. The dead epidermis absorbs water, but has no blood vessels. The water would gradually diffuse into the deeper tissues, but it would be terribly slow.

I was wondering because it seems that on cool, wet days that I seemed to need less water then on other days(dry days or hot days).

Though I assume it’s more physcological then anything else.

That’s because on cool, wet days, you sweat less. Nothing psychological about it–you really do need less water on those days.

Well… yes, you can. Never sat in the tub for too long?

except for your hands and feet your skin is essentially water proof due to the oils that your pores release.

except for your hands and feet your skin is essentially water proof due to the oils that your pores release.

You also lose moisture when you exhale but on a humid day you breathe in as much water vapor as you breathe out.

The only way you would normally breathe in as much water as you lose would be if humidity were near 100%, which is nearly ungheard of at sea level. Some animals like camels have nasal sinuses designed to extract moisture from their breath, but in humans the system is terribly inefficient. This can be seen by the amount of water droplets that condense out when breathing into cold air. Of course humans also commonly breathe though their mouths, and the air exhaled this way is at 100% humidity.