Skyline: New Science Fiction Movie

Katy Perry.

He said actress! This production is full of idiots. I should have done that movie where ducks secretly control the White House instead. And where’s that intern with my latte?!

I’ll be in my trailer.

I think she would be just the right actress for this production. :smiley:

Well, the movie opens today in my city (SF) and there is no review in the paper, always a bad sign. I guess I won’t be going to see this one.

29% at Rotten Tomatoes. Even those giving it a thumbs up aren’t very entusiastic about it.

Okay, it’s a nice script but we want a few changes. We just got the rights to make a Star Trek movie.

So the Bruce Willis character is now named Jim. The Jeff Goldblum character is now named Spock. Ben Affleck and Steve Buscemi will be playing guys named Scott and McCoy - you can match up the names whichever way you like. We think we’ve got Jolie signed for Uhuru but if she doesn’t sign we’ll go with Maggie Q instead - so write some scenes where she does some kung fu fighting. And the name of their rocketship is Enterpise.

Oh, and comic book movies are hot right now, so give them all superpowers. Get together with SFX on that.

Alright people let’s make some movie magic here.

It’s a parody, right? Like Independence Day?

I just saw it today.

What the fuck? I was expecting cheesy, but cybernetic alien monsters abucting humans to extract their brains for, for, for what exactly? :confused: Food, batteries, what? No fucking explanation at all. So hero boy looked into the light just long enough to keep his brain from being wiped so he can take over an alien and protect his unborn child? And they were seperating the pregnant for ? Not sure if they were going for parody or serious action-adventure scifi, but whatever they were going for they sure as hell didn’t pull it off. Nice special effects though. Anybody else reminded of Cloverfield?

Wait, I loved Cloverfield. Cloverfield also received significantly better critical reception. How is it similar, exactly?

I meant the design of the monster, specifically the “eating” through it’s “hand/claw/things”. The film itself is no Cloverfield.

Ahh, okay, thanks for the insight :slight_smile:

Having read Wiki’s synopsis of the plot, I am relieved I didn’t pay money to see this.

Eric Balfour is rarely a good sign. I watch Haven, and he’s OK in that, but his presence in a project does not inspire confidence in me.

Kat Denning. She’s willing to get naked in front of a camera (so says teh internets) and she is quite anatomically qualified.

Don’t see this movie. It sucks.

There was a point where I was trying to give in and say “Oh well, I guess it is just a cheezy SyFy movie with slightly better special effects” and enjoy it on that level but at every turn the movie fought me and sucked some more. And then, as a final piss into my Corn Flakes, it “ended”. I put that in quotes because:

There is no ending. The movie just stops.

Stay away.

I guess I’m the only person who liked it LOL. It was a lot of fun, and the effects were top notch. It felt a hell of a lot more expensive than $10 million. And the ending was sick and twisted (although unlike the other poster, I thought it was clear what was happening). There were a few moments of stupid, but that’s the bread and butter of horror flicks. And there were enough moments of awesome to balance them out.

I think they would have been better off making Die hard V “The Hard Die: Alien Invasion”.

Hope this isn’t another Cloverfield hypejob substituting for, you know… an actual story. . That’s what it seems like with the hope of another Independence day, and the stylee of a District 9. It’s almost a genre film… if not an early genre’ film.

Okay, I saw it, despite the warnings. Heck, maybe because of the warnings. Who knows? I went into it expecting a poor film, so I wasn’t really surprised at how bad it was. I have to say though, the special effects were pretty good.

However, what really angered me was the ending, as Quimby said. The movie didn’t end, it just stopped, like they literally ran out of film in the middle of the scene.

Who’s hoping for another Independence Day? Not me, that’s for sure.

…that wasn’t actually in the movie.

The trailers also lead you to believe that throughout the movie the audience will see events unfold throughout the world as the alien devastation takes place, but the entire movie takes place in L.A. except for maybe 30 seconds near the very end when the camera silently shows various large cities in ruins.