"Sleepers" (1996 film) Question

At the end of Barry Levinson’s “Sleepers”, there is a voiceover detailing what happened to each of the eponymous characters. In describing Carol (Minnie Driver), the narrator relates “She has never married, but is a single mother supporting a growing son. The boy, John Thomas Michael Martinez, loves to read and is called Shakes by his mother.” Since each of these names corresponds to one of the “sleepers”, is the implication that she had sex with each of the characters? That’s bugged me ever since I saw the movie in the theater. What do you all think?

“Shakes” was Jason Patrick’s character’s nickname, so the implication is that he fathered the boy, I thought. Could be wrong - it’s been a while.

No, just honoring their memory. “Love me, or Leave me shakes, I’m too tired of anything else.” Her affection for them borders on maternal.

Perhaps they mention it in the book.

She calls him “Shakes”, but his real name is derived from all the other guys.

There’s apparently a scene in Stephen King’s “It” where the lone female character has sex with all the boys in order to unify the group somehow. (I haven’t read the book; if I’m wrong, sorry.) Is something like this even on the radar in “Sleepers”?

ETA: I hope that **Sitnam **is right, but the whole thing doesn’t sit all that well with me.

She may have slept with some of them, but I thought the obvious implication was that they were a group of close friends, linked by some shared experiences. She doesnt need to have slept with any of them to still feel affection for her childhood friends and to want to remember them.

If it turned out Richard Dreyfuss kids at the end of Stand by Me were named for the childhood friends he was writing about, you wouldnt assume he was shagging Corey Feldman, you would rightly assume it was just in memory of some close friends.