Slightly creepy toddler T-shirt? Or not so much?

The song “Baby Got Back” was written for a reason!

Hmm, now that I think of it, isn’t taking your toddler out in their uncovered diaper a little, um, lacking in class? I mean, if they’re actually out in public and toddling around. Not that anyone has to dress their kid up for my benefit, its not like my flip flops are uber-classy, but if I were stuck in line and people watching, thats probably what I would notice first.

I think it’s funny. It would be funnier if the kid was wearing a cloth diaper, since we tend to joke about how it makes their butts extra fluffy. But generally I think it’s a funny skewering of stupid obsessiveness about appearance.

As for putting jokes on their clothes they wouldn’t choose, at that age you’re putting fashions on them, cutting their hair, and so forth without their informed consent - who cares?

Then again, I laughed my ass off at the shirt that says, “I tore my mom a new one,” so you might consider me a sicko anyway.

This shirt filters the gamers from the non-gamers. It’s a take on RPG player stats. The kid is a level 1 Human, with 3 Strength, 6 Intellect, 3 Wisdom, 3 Dexterity, etc.

Also, the adult undergarment is Depend, singular.

What made me laugh is that the kid’s character sheet lists “Charisma” at 18. Well, naturally!

Only semi-related: I recently spotted one of the local glass company’s trucks - you know, the truck they use to transport large panes of glass. On the side of the truck was a large photograph of a mule, accompanied by the words, “Does this truck make our glass look big?”

What are “RPG player stats”?

With stats like that, the kid’s going to grow up to be a bard. Nothing useful but the high charisma. Didn’t you tell him most people use charisma as a dump stat?

Hey, even I know the answer to that!

RPG = “role playing game.” Like Dungeons and Dragons and stuff. And “stats” are the statistics that describe the various skills and qualities that your character might have. So a character with a higher strength number would be stronger, and better able to smack the crap out of a monster or something.

In Role Playing Games, players’ basic abilities are measured by a bunch of statistics like Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom and Intelligence.

What’s a monster?

Jimmy Carter. He’s history’s greatest monster.

That’s so adorable it made me giggle uncontrollably! Not so much the shirt, as that he appears to be wearing size 12 men’s shoes.

Exactly. If my daughter *realized * what I was making her wear, I think the first thing she would object to is the the nautical-looking outfit my mother gave her. Or maybe the tie-dye onsie. Or the Red Sox tee (she may be a Yankee fan, who knows?).

Let us know how the portuguese classes are going. You never know what language she will speak. :slight_smile:

He is - he went and put on my shoes. :smiley: (Saying “Daddy! Shoes!”)

As others said. The joke in this case is that all of his stats like “strength” and “wisdom” are low (as he’s a baby), but his “charisma” (that is, how attractive he is) is the highest possible. :wink:

Greatest? He got his ass kicked by a bunny… or rather couldn’t kick a bunny’s ass. (I’m sure it didn’t have “big… pointy… teeth…” either)

I love it! Where did you get it! (My wife won’t understand it, but I have to get the Butlerette one)

Well, first we had a little romantic music, and then some dancing, which put her in the mood …

Oh, you mean the shirt. :smack:

Well, I ordered it online - for some reason I couldn’t find the link to the place I used, but this place sells 'em: