Slow Computer

Don’t let the low post count fool you, I’ve been reading these boards for years. This month I got a high speed conection to the internet (cable modem). I was very excited, because I could go throught the SDMB faster. Only problem is, once I get the the actual topics, it takes forever to load the thread, and it seem like the more I veiw, the slower it gets. I rarely post, cause it takes forever to get back to the thread after I do. Any tricks or tips for me??

I have a P III 450 with 64 meg of RAM if that helps


Ahem. Sorry. Okay you’ve been reading us for years. But clearly you’ve never ventured into ATMB where the subject of board slowness has been done to death.

No, it’s not your cable connection (nor my DSL connection for that matter, nor my T1 at work). It’s an overburdened server running a popular web site.

Tips & tricks:

  1. Don’t post around lunchtime (1100-1400 Eastern time US).
  2. If you are posting at these times, don’t use the search feature extensively.
  3. Until some sort of fix is applied, you’ll just have to deal with it same as everybody else does.

As I said, there have been many threads in ATMB about board slowness. Do a search for keywords “server” or “slow” and I’m sure you’ll get an eyefull.

*Originally posted by Attrayant *

Or nipples. Wear protection.

Feh. Let’s pretend I put “nipples” in quotes, okay? Thanks.

When KKBattousai says “nipples”, you better believe I’m gonna find out what he’s talking about. But in this case… HUH???
