Smallville--Exile 10/1 recount of last 20 minutes needed *Spoilers*


My “nope” was for the Green Arrow- Marvel query.

I thought I was the only one who wondered why Clark had an 8 ball on his chest. The scar looks painful. And nasty.

As I recall, Oliver Queen was marooned on an island, where he had to learn to use a bow and arrow to survive. He got so good at it, he donned a (rather small) mask and became a super-hero.

I didn’t think it was the red K that was doing this; I thought it was Jor-El’s mojo. He burned the scar on Clark’s chest to say, “This is your birthright.” Then he periodically made the scar all glowy and hurty to tell him, “You’re doing the wrong thing; you’re not supposed to be a petty bad guy.” The red K was making him lose his inhibitions (and guilt), he was taking the low road with his powers, Jor-El made things painful to get him to take off the ring. Aversion therapy from beyond the grave.

My take on it is that Jor-El doesn’t have the evil intentions for Kal that everybody’s assuming, he’s just underestimating the Earthlings. That is, he assumed that on this planet, Kal-El would be so powerful that he’d be treated as a god and would have to take on the responsibility of being ruler of Earth. He didn’t forsee that the Kents would teach him to be protector of earth, not necessarily its ruler.

(And be aware that this is all just me speculating; it’s not based on anything said outright in the episodes.)

Yeah, it wasn’t just that Clark was helping so much around the farm, it was that they couldn’t get much work done themselves because they were spending so much time looking for Clark & worrying about him. Plus the explosion.

Martha’s recovery time and medical bills couldn’t help much either.

Yeah, Sol, that’s pretty much what I figured too.

As has been stated, Oliver Queen was a rich brat who became marooned, and found purpose in life after he mastered the bow to survive. He would’ve been a nice counterpart to Lex, who can only walk away more twisted from this experience.

Anyone care to recap all of season 2? I had to make a choice and 24 took priority. Thankfully this year Smallville is on Wednesday. So I pieced together that Lionel set up Mrs. Lex to marry/spy on Lex and someone blew up a plane that Lex was on. And I saw a couple of episodes with that cave (and Christopher Reeves). Who discovered it? What blew up the farm? What else should I know so I can watch this season without being corn-fused?

Was anyone else waiting for Morgan Edge to reveal his true form?

wow! Ok, I’ve not been following Smallville, because the few eps I’ve seen could be so much closer to DC cannon without losing the whole teen-angst thing, and yet they seem to divert for the sake of diversion.

But… if Morgan Edge is there, will we see Intergang? And then how far away is Darkseid? (yeah, I’m a fanboy, so shoot me!).

Actually, all flippancy aside, does anyone think it’d be possible (aside from stoopid licencing issues) to see The Legion of Superheroes in this series? After all, their first contact with Clark was in Smallville, and it would be a nice insertion (a la, the comment about potentially naming Lex’s island companon Oliver) into the series that would also allow for the freak-of-the-week factor they seem to so favour (from the little I’ve seen).

Smallville’s not required to follow DC canon at all. The current DC Superman’s boyhood was mostly uneventful. In olden days, he was Superboy. This is a very happy medium.

Y’know why I love Smallville? Silver Age logic. If a metal hurts a person from another planet, then it will also destroy a machine from another planet. Alien rings as a heavy-handed metaphor for drug use. Melodramatic, yet ultimately one-sided love triangles (Chloe:Lana::Lana:Lois). While changes around the details, it captures mucvh of the flavour of the good old days. Mark my words, sooner or later, Clark will somehow have an ant for a head, and a dog with powers.

A LSH appearance would be cool. Just rip off that animated Superman episode, where Brainiac tries to pull a Terminator, and the Legion (well, a few of them) follows him back.

In the season finale Lex was sleeping and then got up and went looking for Helen but NO ONE WAS ON THE PLANE. Which means in my mind that it was planned long before that they would get off the plane. Lex was drugged.

Helen told Lionel that she was told my Lex to take the parachute with the pilot. That is crap! That did not happen. So she is lying. What is she hiding?

As far as Mr. Edge. What am I missing? I just thought this was a gang Lord or something that saw him robbing banks and hit him up to join them. Is this not the case?

Does Edge know about Clark’s super powers?

Try TV Tome but beware, if you peruse the current season you may see spoilers a few episodes ahead.

In the comics Edge was always a well known business man. The public didn’t know about his connections with Intergang and Darksied. He isn’t a wanted fugitive that needs to stay hidden.

I’m sure that having Clark wear a mask during more of his escapades was coinsiderered and the producers decided that they couldn’t have the handsome leads face covered for so much of the episode. They need an explination for how this episode doesn’t completely blow Clark’s cover. Hypnotic contact lenses perhapse?

That was season 1. They’ve really diverted away from that the past season (making it vastly more watchable).