Smapti is Pitted

Send me a copy of the court order, and I’ll gladly comply.

And yet you are willing to (ab)use your freedom of speech to promulgate preposterous fear-mongering about organ donation, thereby insuring that some will die who otherwise would have lived and placing all (yourself included) at higher risk. Add “massive hypocrite” to the richly deserved description in the OP.

If you’re really so addicted to nonsense, can’t you at least switch to a pseudo-intellectual version of the nicotine patch? Try transitioning to less malignant forms of twaddle like “Neil Armstrong took one small step onto a soundstage” or “I was once abducted by a space alien” – silly, but not directly undermining the lives and liberties of everyone around you.

Sorry; it’s secret.

I prefer to live in the real world, thanks.

Sorry, even Lavabit was presented with a court order.

Er, you do realize that making the other guy convulse with laughter means you lost the argument, right?

As noted on the other thread, the gag-order policy makes this impossible to verify. Assertions of fact that are impossible to verify are out of order.

I don’t live in a world where the Moon landing was faked. I do live in a world where “incompetent men hiding in caves” can kill thousands.

Which is as it should be.


I almost want to go into politics to make this happen.

As revealed on the thread that switched my engagement with you toward 30% serious, 70% mock, you live in a demon-haunted world where every doctor who crosses your path is checking you out, and not because they want to tap that. “Real world”, indeed!

Well, then, you stipulate that you don’t get to use the unverifiable fact, and you don’t get to discuss the warrant presented to you. I’ll have it printed, er, presented as soon as I get around to it…

I have no desire to enter this mess but I do have an honest question:

Why is it being stated as fact (or genuinely accepted) that millions of parents en mass will now turn their backs on the vaccination program due to the CIA being ousted?

I’m not at all convinced that they will. There might be an initial knee jerk reaction to it, but with a little damage control I see no reason why this vaccination program couldn’t get back on track.

I mean jeez, how many parents out there are going to roll the dice on their child’s life because the vaccination folks might be watching them?

I know I sure as hell wouldn’t (roll the dice that is) if I were in their shoes.

An opinion which I have yet to be dissuaded of by the available evidence.

Sure you will. As of now I’m not convinced you even work for the courts.

With regards to the “at least they got free vaccinations so the program did some good” angle, apparently the program wouldn’t work as a vaccine since it only administered 1 of the 3 required injections.

Well, that (assuming the reports by Snowden’s fellow-travelers at the Guardian are actually true) is damned unfortunate and I wish they hadn’t gone that route, and had delivered the full vaccination instead of half-assing it.

Well, I’m sad to say there’s no available evidence that a crack team of spidermonkeys working for the KGB are not, in fact, plotting to kill you in your bed either.

Sleep tight.

The CIA’s involvement didn’t help matters. But I think that its role in generating suspicion about vaccination drives and avoidance of immunization has been overstated.

There’s plenty of idiotic fear, extreme religious sentiment and political gaming going on over rejection of vaccination in Islamic countries that has nothing to do with the CIA.

Thankfully, I figured as much.

If this messageboard has taught me anything, it’s that even most Americans are OK guys, even the ones with way opposed political views to me. Sure, you get the occasional idiots or flat-out repellent ones (the racists, the Starving Artists), but it’s a nice microcosm for all that. Before I hung out here, I was much more anti-American than I am now (yes, hard to believe, I know…)

The years after Wakefield’s hit piece saw a 12% drop in MMR vaccination rates in the UK - and that was all bullshit. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to not want to give the antivaxxers the opportunity to point to a genuine CIA conspiracy to subvert a vaccination program for their own purposes.

If you think that this board is representative of the country, you need to take a road trip across the U.S. So you may want to dial your hatred of Americans back up to where it was.

The CIA’s little stunt escalated the problem from the usual fear and ignorance into outright murderous hostility, directly leading to the deaths of dozens of medical aid personnel. One public health expert quoted in a Scientific American article on the subject estimates that the CIA program caused a twenty-year delay in polio eradication.

This sort of thing is why perfidy (e.g. placing armed forces under false medical/humanitarian aid insignia) is a war crime. As I noted earlier, Smapti wouldn’t be concerned with that; his stated position of blaming the whistleblower is equivalent to saying that anything goes as long as you don’t get caught.

You don’t get to engage in selectively partisan skepticism. I expect to see an equivalent disclaimer on each statement asserting some benefit from sooper sekrit spycraft. (Actually, the latter really should have stronger disclaimers, being inherently less susceptible to independent verification, but I’ll settle for equivalent ones. I’m generous like that.)