Smartest STAR TREK humans.

Not only did he get her but his pick up line was , “Please sit and entertain me”.

Since Genetically modified people are okay I would say Julian Bashir is the smartest we saw. Certainly the smartest human regular character.

This exchange from the original series will forever be embedded in to my brain:

Khan Noonien Singh: [to Marla] All bold men from the past. Richard, Leif Ericson, Napolean. A hobby of yours, such men?
[He uncovers a work in progress - Khan wearing a turban]
Khan Noonien Singh: I am honored, Thank you. But I caution you: such men dare take what they want.
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Lt. Marla McGivers: I don’t know if you’re going to like living in our time.
Khan Noonien Singh: Then I’ll have to remould it to my liking.
Lt. Marla McGivers: [Khan moves in to embrace Marla] Please don’t.
Khan Noonien Singh: [pushes her away] Go. Or stay, but do it because it is what you wish to do!
[awkward pause]
Khan Noonien Singh: Well?
Lt. Marla McGivers: I’ll stay a little longer.
Khan Noonien Singh: How many minutes do you graciously offer?
Lt. Marla McGivers: I only meant…
Khan Noonien Singh: This grows tiresome. You must now ask to stay.
Lt. Marla McGivers: [timidly] I’d like to stay… please.

Scotty figured out how to clear the ship of born pregnant furballs so they would be no tribble at all. And the Klingons got to write songs about the great tribble hunt. Also figured out how to save Kirk and Spock from the roman gladiatorial games without violating the prime directive. And gave Kirk a night with a beautiful blonde.

All that proves is that Marla was a spineless masochistic jellyfish as we as a traitorous skank.

I mean that in the most insulting way possible, of course.

McCoy figured out how to save the day when Kirk and Spock were locked in a fight to the death in AMOK TIME, by suckering both of them. And he suckered Kirk and Spock to save the day in THE EMPATH, too. And as per his catchphrase, people always ask him to solve problems outside his area of expertise; if they hit the planet of weirdos in togas, nobody asks Scotty to heal the injured ruler or make a batch of telekinesis brew – but throw an engineering problem or a mineralogical problem or whatever at them, suddenly McCoy has to (a) point out that his doctorate’s in medicine, and then (b) get to work anyway.

Gary Seven stands alone head and shoulders above the rest of the also rans mentioned in this thread. He is the next phase of humanity. Immune to the Vulcan neck pinch, able to re-wire nuclear missiles, and able to deal with Beta 5 snobbery to get the job done. Few people realize he and “Miss Roberta Lincoln” had some kids and he is Wesley Crusher’s ancestor.

It’s kinda hard to judge the relative intelligence of the technical staff on ST (Scotty, Geordie, O’Brian, etc.), since they’re all depicted as being hyper-competent for plot reasons. Even Rohm (Quarks brother) gains the ability to techno-babble up plot solutions once he joins the engineering staff, even though he’s at the bottom of the org. chart.

Tech in ST is so advanced, especially in the Federation, that apparently an engineering education leaves one able to invent and rapidly impliment a solution to almost any problem.